Some Acid Reflux Causes It’s Important To Identify

1st October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

In the long list of diseases and disorders, acid reflux is relatively minor. Acid reflux can usually be controlled by making some lifestyle changes. In some cases, people even forget they have it. An attack can be scary when you do go through one, though. It can help to understand the causes of acid reflux. If you know what can cause an attack, you will know how to avoid them. Once in a while the cause is purely medical but for the most part, it is easy to keep this disorder in check. The following are some of the major causes of acid reflux and what you can do.

Is snacking late at night something you frequently do? There is a reason you’ve been taught not to do that. Eating snacks right before bedtime is almost universally condemned by health and medical experts. Most likely, you even heard this as a child. It turns out that this is true! Eating right before sleeping, you have an increased chance of suffering from acid reflux.

This has to do with the position of your body when you are sleeping, which can cause your stomach acid to move around. So you want to leave some time between your snack and bedtime. You will feel better this way.

Is your weight under control? Talking about a person’s weight is usually a sensitive area. We sympathize with you not wanting to consider your weight. Unfortunately, in terms of acid reflux causes, a person’s weight is usually a factor. Unfortunately, the heavier you are, the more likely you are to suffer from acid reflux. You may be able to cure other health issues by getting your weight under control. The foods that may be contributing to your weight gain are the same as the ones causing your acid reflux. So, if you cut them out you’ll already have a head start on curing both problems.

If you bend over after eating a heavy meal, it is possible to induce an acid reflux attack. In order to use the food for fuel, your body produces more acid to break down the food when the stomach is full. The flap that keeps your food and acid in your stomach is more likely to flutter when the stomach is full. Bending over can cause that to fail which sends acid rushing into your esophagus and, potentially out of your mouth (yuck). Stay upright after you eat!

You don’t have to let acid reflux play a major role in your life. By understanding what causes acid reflux, it becomes simple to change your habits so you don’t trigger the problem. You may need to alter some of your everyday choices to avoid acid reflux, but this isn’t so hard. In many cases, you can simply stop eating a certain food. While acid reflux is sometimes caused by a certain medical issue, more often it’s the result of simple actions that can easily be changed.

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Posted on: October 1, 2010

Filed under: Obesity

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