Make Your Lyme Disease Symptoms More Bearable

30th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It is easier to treat Lyme disease when it is caught in its early stages. Finding the tick bite quickly will help make treating the disease easier. If, however, like some people you are asymptomatic and don’t know that you have the disease until it is in its later stages, getting proper treatment and overcoming the disease can be more difficult. Here are some treatment options to discuss with your doctor if you do contract Lyme disease.

You need to know what the side affects may be of the medication you are getting from your doctor. Even if you are only taking an antibiotic you can still suffer side effects. If you are pregnant it is important for your doctor to know this too. Not all lyme disease medications are safe for pregnancy. It is better to ere on the side of safety. Take the time to ask about all of your options, stay informed. When you become a victim of Lyme disease you will have to endure a lot of suffering. Grievously, this is one of those conditions, which has an effect on everything, ranging from your joints to your muscles to your brain. Several people who are infected with Lyme disease have to experience muscle pain and headaches. Obtaining OTC painkillers, such as Ibuprofen or Tylenol, is the simplest way to take care of the symptoms of Lyme disease. These medications won’t cure the disease itself (only strong prescription medications can do that) but they can help you deal better with the symptoms.

Do not think that you won’t need to seek Lyme disease treatment because of a vaccine.

There has never been a vaccine that has worked properly for long term control fo the disease. This vaccine was still around in 2002 although the effects have worn off long before now and you are not protected. Watch for the signs and if you have a tick bite don’t pull it off go see the doctor.

Treatments for Lyme Disease are pretty basic. Most of the time you can be cured with a round of antibiotics. Unfortunately if the disease isn’t caught early enough, something more extreme might be needed to cure up the problem. At this stage it usually requires hospitalization and IV drugs. Of course you already know that there are many ways to treat your symptoms. Seek the help of your physician for symptoms that cause you discomfort. You will sometime soon return to normal.

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Posted on: September 30, 2010

Filed under: Obesity

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