What Are The Signs And Symptoms For Kidney Problems?

19th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Kidney problem symptoms are alike in many ways. Sometimes it takes a series of kidney tests to determine whether you have a kidney infection or kidney stones. But there are some differences too.

In some cases, symptoms of kidney problems don’t show up for years. Meanwhile, kidney function may be deteriorating without the individual even knowing something is wrong. This is generally true in the case of chronic kidney failure.

On the other hand, symptoms for kidney problems like acute kidney failure or kidney stones came on fast – and strong. These conditions usually feature intense, even searing back or abdominal pain.

This article is intended to give you a short description of kidney problems symptoms for the most common kidney conditions and disorders. If you start to experience any of the symptoms for kidney problems described below, it’s important for you to discuss them with your doctor. Quick action may be important where certain kidney disorders and conditions are concerned.

Kidney disease is a generic name for any condition that causes damage to the nephrons, which are the tiny filters that remove waste and toxins from the blood. Typical symptoms of kidney disease include discolored urine: it may be cloudy, dark or reddish yellow. Urinating is typically uncomfortable. People with kidney disease feel they have to make a trip to the bathroom often – even when little or no urine is produced. When you have kidney disease your likely to experience a feeling of fatigue and muscle weakness. Higher blood pressure is also typical.

A kidney infection can also be a dangerous condition, caused by germs which infiltrate the urinary system. Kidney infections come in two types:acute and chronic. Chronic kidney infection symptoms take a long time – possibly years – to present themselves. But acute kidney infection symptoms occur suddenly and tend to be quite pronounced. When you have an acute kidney infection, you’re likely to have cloudy, discolored urine that carries an unpleasant odor. Back pain, chills, fever, fatigue and muscle weakness are also typical.

Kidney failure is the life-threatening result of untreated kidney disease or a kidney infection. The kidneys simply stop working when illness or damage prevent them from filtering the blood and removing wastes and toxins. Typically, someone with kidney failure experiences lethargy, dyspnea (shortness of breath, a general weakness and swelling around the body due to a fluid build up. As kidney failure progresses, more fluids build up and symptoms become more pronounced. There is even less desire to eat, fatigue and lethargy increase, and intellectual capabilities lessen. Someone with complete kidney failure only has two options for survival: kidney dialysis or kidney transplantation.

Kidney stones are pebble-like structures that form when crystals in your urine cling together. These structures, which actually look and feel like small stones, can grow as large as a golf ball. Severe back pain is the most prominent symptom of a kidney stone. The pain usually occurs in the back or “flank” area, but it may radiate to the abdomen or even the genital area. As with other symptoms of kidney problems, you feel the frequent need to urinate, even though there’s little urine to pass. Any urine that does come out might be cloudy and dark. There may also be traces of blood. There may also be an unpleasant odor. Many times, kidney stones also produce nausea and vomiting.

Kidney cancer symptoms are a lot like symptoms for kidney problems that have already been mentioned. Someone with kidney cancer may also experience anemia, elevated blood pressure or hypertension, decreased appetite, night sweats and unexplained weight loss.

Kidney cysts are abnormal formations growing on the kidneys that resemble pouches. They may be filled with air, fluid or calcium. Very often, you don’t even know they’re there until they’re discovered accidentally or they begin to cause pain. Cysts made of calcium can be especially painful. One of the first signs of this type of kidney problem is blood in the urine stream. Pain caused by kidney cysts usually appears in the back or abdomen. In some instances, there are no symptoms at all even though cysts may be present for many years.

Kidney damage caused by trauma can be as dangerous as kidney disease. This type of damage often results from an accident or blow of some kind to the kidney area. Such damage can trigger a variety of symptoms, including back pain, abdominal swelling, and discolored urine. Kidney damage can also cause a higher-than-normal heart rate, trouble with intellectual faculties, pale skin, nausea and vomiting.

Symptoms of kidneys problems should not be brushed off as minor. If you start experiencing symptoms like some of those described in this article, you should get medical attention right away.

Click on signs and symptoms of kidney problems and Kidney Disease Articles to learn more about kidney problems. Neal Kennedy is a former radio and television journalist with a special interest in health and fitness topics.

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