What Is It Like To Be Obese

10th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

For all of those who are not vastly overweight, the struggles that an overweight person goes through are completely foreign. It is my pleasure to bring you into my life by informing you of the trouble that I face every day.

|We can begin with the most obvious, appearance.|The first thing people see is how I look, so that is where I’ll start.|People are usually judged by the way they look, and that is first on my list.} A person can look at their image in the bathroom and dream. The image that we see in the mirror is never going to appear in a positive way. The features on your face, no matter how beautiful they may be, are dwarfed by the extra fat you carry in your face. You can apply makeup, and help make yourself look better to a certain degree, but you know that no one is going to compliment your shade of lipstick today. The rest of your body is a mishmash of lumps and bumps, protrusions and strange angles that you know you simply cannot hide, regardless of what you wear. You realize this is as good as it is going to get and vow to avoid mirrors for the remainder of the day.

It is then time to get to your job. Just walking from your car to your desk is enough to start you breathing heavy and appear like you ran a marathon to others. You eat your lunch, but regardless of what you decide to have, you know that people are silently judging you and sometimes you think that maybe you should avoid all food and try to lose weight fasting. , but you know that it will never work for you.

You go shopping. It becomes discouraging that there is not a place that had the types of things that will fit you, and you stay away. These store were not designed with you in mind and you find your self bumping into or knocking things over because it is so cramped. it seems like everything that is sold there is designed for thin model types and there is nothing that is made with you in mind. If, by some miracle, you see a piece of clothing that could fit you, you start getting more and more hopeful as you go to try it on. Putting the things brings back some old familiar feelings for you. The fact that you are obese is not improved when you are trying on something new.

The fit and trim people in the world do not have to be concerned with how they will do every day task like an obese person does. Going to a movie theater or a show strikes fear into your heart because you know you will either not fit in the seat or will be squished into discomfort taking the person to the right and left to the same hell you will be visiting thanks to your encroaching fat.

Then there’s your health that you deal with because your knees creak under your added weight, and your feet swell and throb due to the extra pressure placed on your feet, and your back hurts all the time because of the extra girth you place on your poor vertebrae, and you cannot even do a simple six pack ab exercise program that you used to do when you were younger.

Your friends and family are supportive and you know they love you but they will not let you forget, not even for a moment, how much weight you’ve gained or how much better you would look if you lost some weight and even though you turn to message boards like biggest loser weight loss forum where there are people who are just like you, you seldom find the support you really need. Those are the things that overweight people have to deal with. This is what it is like. {Maybe not everyday, but just enough days to make you really seriously consider becoming a hermit.|Sometimes it can be forgotten and a good time can be had, but then reality comes back and wants to make you hide in a closet somewhere.|For the most part, we do not like to live our lives this way, although happiness does find our way intermittingly.

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