What are the Reasons for Women’s Hair Loss?

7th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

So much research has been done about the reasons for male hair loss. Women can go through the same thing when it comes to hair loss. There is some body of knowledge that supports the idea that women can experience more tendencies to hair loss than men. What could be the reason for less attention being devoted to women’s hair loss? We cannot provide a good answer for that. However, we can go into some of the main reasons for hair loss suffered by women. So if you care to know more, then please continue reading.

For men, the genetic condition of hair loss is referred to as male pattern baldness. And women have the same condition, and it’s called female pattern baldness. It is close to androgenic alopecia but not exactly identical. The hair loss pattern is different for women. What normally occurs in men is the hair loss first appears in certain, usual locations, and then it slowly branches out from that spot. In women, they tend to thin out all over the scalp starting at the top.

So with women, there is no patten that you can point to because it is just all over.

It’s no wonder with all the incredible changes occurring during pregnancy that a woman’s hair is also greatly affected. The change is different for women, for some there’s an increase in the rate of growth, and for others there’s some loss of hair. What often happens with the more hair growth is that it will fall out pretty quickly after her baby is born.

It can be quite alarming, especially if this is your first pregnancy. Once, however, all the body chemicals/hormones balance-out and are normal, then they’ll see their hair condition return to its former state. All you need to do is be patient and try not to freak out too much.

Just as in men, a woman’s particular genetic background is a major reason why many women experience hair loss. It just depends on where the hair loss occurred in your family, but your doctor will be able to make a good estimation about the likelihood of it affecting you. This is a tough situation for some women because it is genetic, and nothing can be done to treat it. That’s why there’s so much frustration, plus the level of shame is very high in these conditions. If your genetics are a factor you are better off looking for ways to disguise your hair loss than you are to look for ways to cure it.

It’s certainly a fact that women do not get the same amount of exposure as men concerning hair loss. There are many different conditions and situations in which women can experience hair loss, or slowed growth, or even thinning.

Most of them cannot be controlled. What is known is that genes, or genetics, can play a role as can body chemistry. Also… there will be cases of temporary hair loss which is fortunate, however some types are more lasting and permanent. As with many conditions, you will not be able to properly diagnose your hair loss or thinning condition, so do see your family doctor.

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Posted on: September 7, 2010

Filed under: Obesity

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