How To Overcome Anxiety Treatments?

3rd September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Anxiety Disorder In Children

Children are also victims of anxiety disorders and pediatric anxiety is the most prevalent form of anxiety in them. About 20% of children are affected by this condition at some point of their life. Sometimes this disorder may persist to adulthood if the condition is not handled properly. Children don’t usually know how to overcome anxiety as they don’t usually understand the condition they are suffering from. This might outgrow into severe anxiety disorder when you reach adulthood.

Anxiety Panic Attacks

The anxiety symptoms experienced by different people varies in accordance to the different mechanism of their body. Some people might experience milder symptoms whereas some might experience multiple symptoms which might lead to severe anxiety. There are multiple factors responsible for this disorder.

There are many forms of anxiety disorders and manifest varied symptoms. But one major symptom common in all forms is the continuous fear that is prevalent in almost all situations. Panic attackt symptoms constitutes of both emotional and physical symptoms

Some of the psychological symptoms that can be easily noticed are restlessness, fear, dread irritability etc. Physical symptoms are innumerable but some of the common noticeable symptoms are fatigue, headache, shortness of breath, dizziness etc. The psychological factors of anxiety can often lead to the development of anxiety disorder and constitutes one of its major factors. Anxiety attacks often tend to last a long time but they do not occur that frequently whereas panic attacks may occur very frequently without any warning beforehand.

Treatment For Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorder treatments are widely available but whether they are really effective or not is a question worth asking. It is generally treated with medications; however, the choice strictly depends on your preference. Before initiating any sort of treatment, it is essential to go through a thorough diagnosis by a health expert. Diagnosing will help you in getting to the root cause of the condition and it will be helpful in finding an effective treatment for anxiety disorder
It is important to identify the type and the conditions that lead to the development of the anxiety disorder. It has been found that depression can cause anxiety and and anxiety can give rise to depression. In such a case, you will experience both the anxiety and depression symptoms.

Depending on the type of anxiety disorder that you are suffering from, your doctor will provide you with medications that will help in overcoming the condition. The medications do not only help in overcoming anxiety disorder but it also helps in keeping the disorder under control.

Anxiety disorders are generally treated using medications such as beta-blockers, antidepressants and anti anxiety drugs. Besides medications, there are also certain therapies like psychotherapy which effectively helps in overcoming the disorder. Depending on the severity of the condition, you mighht sometimes be advised to take both medications and psychotherapy.

Cognitive Behavior therapy is one of those therapies that is found to be quite effective in overcoming issues related to anxiety disorder. The therapy works by changing the mindset of the individual and help them overcome the fear and the situations that provoke them to be anxious. This therapy is best for the treatment of panic disorders, generalized anxiety disorder and severe anxiety disorder. To see noticeable changes and positive effects of the therapy, you need at least 12 weeks therapy. Initiating both medications and therapy is however the best way to deal with the condition
Psychodynamic psychotherapy and behavioral therapy are the two other therapies that are effective for the treatment of anxiety disorder , that is found to be quite effective in addressing the anxiety disorder symptoms.

Now that you have an idea about how to overcome anxiety, most of the doubts that you had must have been cleared. So if you are among those suffering silently from this condition then its time you talk to someone to help you out of it. You can seek professional help or even confide about it to someone close to you who can guide you on how to overcome anxiety. Act fast before the dreaded anxiety takes a toll on your health.

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