How To Prevent And Treat Bad Breath

3rd September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Halitosis is the medical term for bad breath and is a well known condition everyone will endure at some time. Some people suffer from this problem more so than others. There are two major causes of mouth odor, bacteria and decaying food particles. There are many small areas within your mouth that hold these elements. Routine brushing and flossing will assist in removing the cause of bad breath. Mouthwash and mints may be an immediate fix, but do not cure the problem.

One of the problem areas is your tongue. Millions of tiny filaments work like a shaggy carpet and trap tiny food specks. When you brush your teeth, be sure to make tongue cleaning part of your routine. Use the edge of a spoon, a scraper specially made for this job or simply your toothbrush to reach the entire surface. Many retailers now carry special scrapers to help reach the entire surface. Be sure to thoroughly sanitize any appliances worn within the mouth, both orthodontic and preventative. Retainers and mouth guards catch bacteria, transferring it to different parts of the mouth.

Retainers and mouth guards have the ability to catch bacteria, transferring it to diverse parts of the mouth. Less saliva is produced when you sleep allowing odors and germs to linger. While you sleep, saliva production slows down allowing odors and germs to linger. Saliva utilizes enzymes to kill bacteria and wash away food particles. Chewing sugarless gum is a great stimulant for this production. Salivation increases as you chew and gum made with the sweetener xylitol aids in the prevention of bacteria build up. Bacteria will not reside in the mouth when saliva is being produced. Drinking lots of water will wash out your mouth, but will not increase saliva. Many people with bad breath will grab a mint, as this temporarily takes away the odor, but does not rid you of the cause.

If bad breath continues with good quality oral hygiene, you should make contact with a medical doctor. Halitosis could be an indication of a physical illness. This could be a sign of something simple like postnasal drip or a more severe condition such as kidney disease. Halitosis can also be caused by medications prescribed for other ailments that tend to dry out the mouth. Certain medications for other ailments may cause halitosis by drying out the mouth.

Request that another form of the medicine be suggested. Individuals should always be aware of any changes and bad breath must be treated seriously.

Visit this website as they provide detailed information on how to get rid of bad breath

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Posted on: September 3, 2010

Filed under: Obesity

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