Learn 5 Things To Know Before A Hemorrhoidectomy Surgery.

22nd August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

In this write up you’ll learn all you need to know about a hemorrhoidectomy surgery.

A hemorrhoidectomy surgery simply means removing the swollen hemorrhoid or vein that is near your rectum.

A word of foresight, please do not get hemroids surgery with out actually doing your homework and looking at every alternative to surgical treatments.

Hemorrhoidectomy Surgery Overview

Hemorrhoidectomy surgery can be done using sutures or stitches. People who undergo this medical procedure have the option to be sedated and not experience any pain (referring to spinal or local anesthesia) or be given a general anesthesia so that the patient is fully asleep during the procedure. Most of the time post hemorrhoidectomy surgery patients are required to leave their stitches in until they disolve on their own.

Hemorrhoidectomy surgery is not really advised to be done on inflamed hemorrhoids that are generally small. Instead, these small hemorrhoids are treated in outpatient basis and will not really require that much anesthesia.

To cure your hemorrhoidal problems, your physician may…

Inject some sort of drug into the hemorrhoid itself to get rid of infamation and pain.
Do a rubber band ligation surgery to prevent blood from allowing the hemorrhoid to grow.
Use laser or infrared light to reduce the size of the swollen hemorrhoid.

Why Hemorrhoidectomy Surgery Is Performed.
A hemorrhoidectomy surgery is only advisable by most surgeons as a last resort when other treatment strategies have failed to solve the problem.

Before the hemorrhoidectomy surgery:

Make sure to tell the physician…
If you are pregnant.
If you are taking any herbs or drugs to cure a specific illness or disease.
Shortly before the hemorrhoidectomy surgery the surgeon might notify you to stop taking any drugs that could harm you during the procedure.

Again when you are seeking to experience surgery for hemorrhoids just make sure to do it the safe way and do everything the surgeon says to you to do.

Things to know for the day of surgery…
Normally your doctor will tell you to cease eating or drinking after midnight or 10 pm the night before you have the hemorrhoidectomy surgery.
Make sure to injest all the medicines that the doctor prescribes that day. Don’t drink lots of water or any for that matter so you don’t have complications during surgery.

Be at the hospital early so you can have ample time to prepare yourself for the hemorrhoidectomy surgery.

After the hemorrhoidectomy surgery:
First things first, you will have pain, everybody does. To reduce the pain involved after your hemorrhoidectomy surgery the physician will normally give you some medication.

Assuming there were no major complications during the hemorrhoidectomy surgery, you will probably feel better again in about 2 weeks. The question I ask though is, why put yourself through the cutting and the drugs when there are proven natural ways to heal hemorrhoids safely? Click the links in this article to learn the new way of healing hemorrhoids.

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