Meet Vaginal Yeast Infection

17th August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Apart from the fact that yeast infection do not choose gender, it is still obvious that the disease affects women more. Three out of four women gets vaginal yeast infection.

This medical problem would surely have women looking for more information about it. If yeast infection has already gotten your attention, read on to get more about it.

Symptoms of vaginal yeast infection

Records have pointed out a lot of vaginal yeast infection symptoms. The common ones include:

>blatant itching in the vagina and surrounding areas
Some of the effects of vaginal yeast infection are intense itching and inflammation. The opening of the vagina might also appear swollen and reddish.

>vaginal discharge
Women can also suffer from symptoms of vaginal yeast infection such as cottage chesse-like vaginal discharge. You should also check if you smell of anything like yeast or cottage cheese.

A patient of vaginal yeast infection may experience pain when urinating. Having sex might also be painful for the women infected with yeast infection.

Prevent vaginal yeast infection

Vaginal yeast infection can be cured through a lot of measures. However, one must first concern herself on to prevent the condition from happening to her body. Here are some of the most tried-and-tested vaginal yeast infection prevention tactics:

> Practice washing your genitalia each day
Ensure that you wash your genitalia and body. You can use feminine was tat your doctor has advised.

> Do not share underwear and bath towels.
Guarantee that you do not share your bath towels and underwear to anyone. Never share it even with your sisters. Bath towel sharing is one of the common causes of yeast infection.

>Ask your partner to wear condom.
Stay protected from sexually transmitted disease by asking your partner to wear condom. Because body parts may have yeast, avoid giving your partner oral sex.

> Keep taking protein-rich foods.
Protein-rich foods can help ensure that your body’s defense is strong enough. Also, drink more than eight glasses of water each day to flush out bad substances from your body. This is, by far, the most effective vaginal yeast prevention strategy.

Treatments for vaginal yeast infection

On the recommendation of your trusted doctor, topical or oral medicines might be used to manage and treat your condition. Your lifestyle and work nature would very much dictate the perfect treatment for your case.

Yeast infection treatment gearing on the topical side will require ointments and creams for external use. These medicines are designed to be applied directly to the vagina.

There are certain pills and medicines used for treating yeast infection orally. Oral medication has the same topical anti-fungal properties.

Eating habits are also to be reviewed by your doctors.Doctor will also recommend specialized treatment in cases of pre-existing conditions like diabetes and pregnancy.

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