How to Sustain a Safe Cholesterol Count

16th August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Cholesterol became a buzz word in the medical field some years ago when reports showed that cholesterol level counts can determine a great deal in regard to our general health and the odds of future problems. How to sustain a safe cholesterol count is yet something that is unfamiliar to most of us, as we struggle to sift our way through the mysteries of HDL, LDL, the cholesterol level amount and every one of the rest of the complex information with regard to lowering cholesterol numbers. By being taught the fundamentals of reduced cholesterol foods and exercise, you can take command over your health and decrease your possibility for heart attack, stroke and cardiovascular disease. Are you set to take command over of your cholesterol count? Then continue on to discover how you can reach a normal cholesterol number and maintain it for the rest of your life.

How Cholesterol Relates to Your Diet

If you realize your cholesterol number is excessive, the primary thing you’re going to have to alter is your existing food intake. It is vital to discover which kinds of foods that increase cholesterol counts and which ones will assist in reducing it. If you really want to find out how to lower cholesterol level, the main concept you will have to keep in mind in regard to fat intake is really rather simple. You’ll have to consume the “good” fats, reduce the saturated fats and try to stay away from the trans fats completely. The “good” fats originate in foods that have polyunsaturated fat and monounsaturated fat and comprise of natural foods like avocados, sunflower seeds, bananas, fish, whole wheat foods, oatmeal, cereal, unbuttered popcorn, macadamia nuts and peanuts. By consuming these types of foods, you are able to reduce the chance of disease whilst sustaining a healthy cholesterol count. The foods to cut back on or steer clear of completely consist of those containing elevated amounts of saturated fats and trans fats. Trans fats aren’t needed in your diet and may safely be eliminated. A few foods that have trans fats comprise of various types of fast foods, junk foods, fried foods and baked goods. Saturated fats aren’t as bad as the trans fats, however, you should try to decrease your intake of foods consisting of increased amounts of saturated fats such as butter, coconut oil, cream, palm oil, chocolate, fatty meats, lard and eggs. These kinds of foods will increase your chances of coronary disease as they increase the “bad” LDL cholesterol and lessen the “good” HDL cholesterol count. So how do identify what sort of fat is in the food you eat? Simply read the labels on the packaging before getting it. The ingredient listing printed on the packaging is required by the FDA to separately show the quantities of the various kinds of fats that it has.

How Doing Exercises Can Provide Safe Cholesterol Numbers

Sure, everybody knows that consistent work outs will assist in keeping your heart healthy and your muscles strong. Nonetheless, by working out on a regular basis you’ll additionally be working to maintain a safe cholesterol number. Studies have shown that consistent physical activity can actually raise your “good” cholesterol levels, and by attaining a normal weight, it can additionally reduce your “bad” cholesterol. The most beneficial type of exercise comprises of a sequence of different workouts that consist of aerobic training, stretching exercises and bodybuilding. Nevertheless, any improvement in physical exercise would be helpful, but completing thirty minutes every day of moderate intensity workout is advised to increase blood circulation, strengthen your heart and clear blood clots.

Maintaining a healthy cholesterol number actually isn’t as tough as it seems. By keeping an eye on the foods that you eat and reading their labels, you’ll soon realize which foods to cut back on or remove to both lower cholesterol and put together a healthy weight loss diet regimen. Also, by stepping up your physical activity by implementing a daily thirty minute training program, you’ll be successful in sustaining a good cholesterol number and achieving improved overall physical fitness.

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