Focusing On Male Yeast Infection

31st July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Men are also prone to certain diseases that are not gender exclusive. These medical conditions sould really make men take more effort in understanding health concerns. Let’s take a look at yeast infection.

As much as its name sounds, yeast infection is brought about by the fungi type Candida albicans. In the case of the sons of Mars, yeast infection spots could include the penis, mouth, underarms and hands. Yeast infection occurs in any part of the body that has regular sweat or moisture.

Male yeast infection causes could only be determined if one know where it has occurred. Somehow, the alteration in the body’s natural balance is the root cause of yeast infection. It is normal for the body to have small amounts of yeast buildup. However, the growth of yeast is controlled by good bacteria and other similar microorganisms in the body.

Because of the prolonged use of antibiotics, oral yeast infection men poses great risks. Medical conditions such as diabetes can also promote oral yeast infection in men.

Moreover, sexual intercourse and other unhygienic practices can also cause penile yeast infection. Sharing bath towels and having sex with a person who has yeast infection are the most common causes of this condition. With this, it is easy to transfer yeast build-up form one person to the other.

Symptoms of male yeast infection include itching and redness in the affected areas. Oral yeast infection men would also cause skin scaling. Penile yeast infection may also cause a whitish and yeast-smelling discharge. Internal yeast infection, on the other hand, can be manifested in the form of flatulence, diarrhea and abdominal pains.

Once you have checked on the symptoms, you should seek about the best available on yeast infection treatment. Consult your doctor immediately. It is likely that you will be required to undergo some laboratory tests to ascertain your condition.

Consider your particular condition when choosing between topical oral male yeast infection treatment. Topical treatments include the use of anti-fungal creams and ointments such as ketoconazole. Topical creams and ointments are considered to be more convenient since they are directly applied to the infected body part. There are cases of male yeast infection treatment that would need the intake of pills and medicines. The condition of the infection dictates the intensity of the dosage. Generally, higher dosage would only be fit to those that have serious infection conditions.

Treatments for male yeast infection can involve the use of natural ways and homemeade cures. However, not all of them are scientifically-proven. Application of homemade cures must have the go signal of your doctor.

There are ways by which you can avoid possible yeast infection on men. The first rule should be to maintain a clean and healthy lifestyle.Your kindergarten lessons of bathing everyday and brushing teeth tree times a day are the best ways you can avoid yeast infection.

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