Candida Spit Test – How To Take It?

28th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you have any thoughts that you may have an issue with a yeast Infection or Candida Albicans, doing the easy Candida Spit Test might give you a better indication.

The source of this test is unknown but it has been around a long time. The reliability of it is an open argument, however taking the test is easy and non intrusive. There is no harm in taking the test as a precursor to going to see your doctor.

This is how you go about doing a Candida Spit Test:

Put a full glass of water on your bedside table when going to bed. Make sure it is a clear glass, and if you don’t use a bedside table, put it in the bathroom. You just need to make sure you will see it as soon as you wake up.

Upon waking the next morning, allow your saliva to develop in your mouth for a minute or so and when you have a reasonable quantity spit it into the water. (The water in your glass that is)

This must be done 1st thing. If you brush your teeth, eat or drink, the results will be no good.

Even a quick kiss from your partner will mess up the results. You will just have to keep them on hold for a moment…

As soon as you have spat into the glass, observe what it looks like.

Check again 2 or 3 minutes later. After you have caught up on that Kiss…

Check your Candida Spit Test every 15 minutes until you leave for the day.

In a perfect world you would take note of the results of your Candida Spit test over a 60 minute time frame. Any less than 1/2 an hour will not be worthwhile doing it.

Healthy saliva will be clear, it will float on top and it will slowly dissolve into the water without any cloudiness and without sinking.

There are normally some bubbles or foam present.

These are the things you will see that may indicate a yeast infection.

Strings traveling down to the bottom of the glass.

The spit may become cloudy and sink.

You may observe a cloudy type of speck hanging in the water.

It may be that you observe all of the above. This is a strong indication of candida particularly if it happens quickly.

On the assumption that your Candida Spit test indicated that you are likely to have some sort of yeast or Candida overgrowth. The best place to begin is to review the foods that you consume. They may not necessarily have sparked this problem, but they are more than likely a very real contributor. This needs to be resolved to avoid ongoing issues.

Some of the food groups that can cause a problem are those with high sugar content, that contain yeast, and dairy products.

Some other foods that may also cause a problem are, Vinegar, Mushrooms, processed foods, coffee and tea and dried, processed or pickled meats.

Highly processed foods, the contraceptive pill and antibiotics can also spark a yeast overgrowth.

Of course you should also make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your concerns. Your Candida Spit Test is just a preliminary test. They are in the best position to make a thorough examination to find out where you are at.

Learn about the foods to avoid and those you can include on your Candida Diet Food List. There is also a free course on dealing with a candida cleanse diet

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