Purity Products – Doctors Links Pesticides with ADHD in Kids

26th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

In this past week’s issue of the Journal Pediatrics, research was published that has determined a relationship between attention-deficit disorder in children in the United States and pesticides exposure. Children’s urine was tested for pesticide residue, and researchers found that kids with the highest levels of residue had greater chances of having ADHD, which is associated with disabilities in learning at school. Pesticides were detected in the urine of 94 percent of the 1,139 children tested. It has not been determined whether they were introduced to the pesticides in what they ate, or by environmental factors such as drinking water or air.

In the past, studies have shown that making a switch or organic fruits and vegetables lowers levels of pesticide compounds in urine so much so that they are close to undetectable levels, or completely undetectable. I firmly believe that additional studies should be held that could potentially prove causality and not just correlation with pesticide levels on fruits and vegetables that will in turn push the U.S. Environmental Agency to decrease levels of pesticides that are expected to be in all food. Until then, parents should always be aware of risks that could possibly be involved when feeding their children products such as non-organic produce and non-filtered water.

Here at Purity Products we established our Organic Brothers line of Certified Organic Triple Greens and Organic Reds Formula exactly because of our concern for this issue. Our customers can feel confident drinking our Reds and Triple Greens knowing they are certified organic by the USDA and QAI. I love when my kids drink our powdered drinks because I know the benefits are tremendous and the drinks are so pure and contaminant free. Also, many of our other powdered drinks although not certified organic contain many organic ingredients as well.

I for one, try to buy as much organic food as I can to make sure my kids have as little pesticide exposure as possible. Reality is we are all exposed to pesticides and chemicals on some level. Why not do what you can to lower the exposure as much as possible especially for our children who are more susceptible due to their growing bodies and relative size?

If you would like to read more, please check our the Purity Products website or the Purity Products social media page.

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Posted on: July 26, 2010

Filed under: Obesity

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