Suggested Hemorrhoids Treatment

24th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Here are some ways to treat hemorrhoids naturally:

Diet for smooth bowel movement

The main reason for the occurrence of hemorrhoids is constipation. In order to prevent constipation, you must eat fiber-rich foods because such foods help your stools become soft and bulky. Your diet should contain beans, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, fresh fruits and vegetables, bran cereals, and whole grains. Avoid foods that are non-fibrous such as wheat, sugar, cheese, ice cream, meat, processed foods, etc. thereby avoiding development of hemorrhoids.

If your diet has more fresh fruits and vegetables, your rectum arteries will get strengthened and your hemorrhoids will not deteriorate. For strengthening the blood vessels walls and veins, your body requires the chemical compounds, such as Anthocyanidins and Pythochemicals, which are important and commonly found in the vegetables and fruits.

Drink plenty of water

In order to control constipation and diarrhea, you must drink lots of water every day. The hemorrhoids will worsen if you eat chili peppers or consume alcohol.

Less acidic diet

It is advisable to reduce the acid levels in the stools to prevent itching of hemorrhoids. To facilitate this, you must avoid food items such as beer, wine, soda, citrus fruits and other acidic juices. Coffee and caffeinated products cause flatulence, reduction in pressure of the anal sphincter, and increase in sensitivity of the anal skin.

Herbal tea, supplements and medication

Your metabolism will be increased by drinking herbal tea; in addition, it eliminates the toxins in your body and strengthens your rectum arteries. Some of the herbal items are barberry, neem, butcher’s broom, horse chestnut extract, Psyllium, Slippery Elm, White Oak Bark, and Witch Hazel. Herbs can also be applied externally on the affected areas. Aloe Vera gel is the most popular item for this application and it gives cooling and soothing effect.


In order to improve the blood circulation and reduce the swelling and pain in the affected areas, you can take Sitz bath wherein you will sit in warm water covering hips and buttocks. This method of natural treatment is commonly used for hemorrhoids.

Breathing exercise

Lie down facing the sky, breathe in and move your belly up; breathe out and lift your anus. Practice this exercise for 15 minutes, twice a day.

Practice regular workouts

The blood circulation increases with proper exercise and this improves the bowel movement preventing hemorrhoids development. Obesity causes hemorrhoids development and you can prevent this by regular workouts.

The above best Hemorrhoids treatment that I can think of. Hope that it helps.

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Posted on: July 24, 2010

Filed under: Obesity

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