Different Home Recipes for Acne

23rd July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Ever tried that facial cleanser that everybody’s raving about and still finding it not working for you? Over the counter products may not be the answer to your acne problems. Instead, you can use a cream that you have made yourself. You’ll find that there are already a number of people who are into home acne solutions. Following are a few homemade acne cream and mixture recipes that you could use to replace your ineffective cleansers and toners.

Egg White Mix

Crack an egg and leave the white part for you to use. Massage this on your face and leave it there overnight. Use warm water for removing it the following morning.

Garlic Mask Treatment

Pound a few cloves of garlic until you lose most of the lumps. When applying it on your face, make sure that the eyes are protected. After leaving the mask alone for fifteen minutes, you can there remove it using a warm towel. Don’t rub because this will only worsen your skin. What you should do is get rid of the mask by patting it gently with the towel. Next, use vinegar to rinse your face off. The maximum of times you can do this is twice a week. If you apply garlic mask more often than that, it could damage your skin.

Ingredient Mixes

You will use one teaspoon of tomato juice and two teaspoons of camphor lotion and honey. You’ll be able to form a paste by mixing them all together. Leave it on your skin for about fifteen minutes. Remove it by using warm water. Before patting your face dry, splash a last batch of cold water on your face.

Use Cucumber Paste

Get a bowl of cucumber paste and add the same amount of rosewater in it. Stir the mixture until the two are blended in together. Next up, leave the mask on your face for fifteen minutes after application. Again, wash it off with warm water and gently dab the wet portion with a clean towel for drying. You’ll find that using cucumber is one of the well known homemade acne treatments of today. It can remove dirt as well as lighten the skin to remove scars. In fact, some of the most effective commercial acne products today have cucumber extract in them.

Not only do face masks clean the skin but they also manage to tighten it. Through face masks, you’ll manage to keep your face looking fresh while staying away from pimples.

However, dab a small amount of the mixture on your skin first to test for possible allergic reactions. If none, then you can use the concoction on your face.

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