How to Get Rid of – Ticks

13th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Kinds of Ticks
Ticks are tiny blood sucking bugs that belong to the arachnid family. They have 8 legs and come in 2 types ; one with a hard outer layer and one with a soft outer coating. Soft shelled ticks live in clefts and will only come out to feed, while hard shelled ticks spend lengthy periods of time attached to their host. Ticks eat blood, which is a fine source of proteins and lipids. They eat mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians and as such are typically found on domestic pets and even on humans.

Ticks typically live in tall grass where they will sit at the very tip of a blade of grass waiting for a suitable host to brush by it. Although many people think that ticks actually jump onto you, this is not true. You must actually brush up against the tick in order for it to attach itself. Ticks use a structure in their mouth called a hypostome which resembles a harpoon to firmly attach themselves to their host and begin feeding. They typically will stay attached until they become full of blood and then drop off.

Tick Bite Prevention
step 1 in dumping ticks is avoiding getting bitten right off the bat. You’re going to need to take some cares if you will be in the woods, or passing thru tall grass. The 1st is to wear long pants and long sleeved shirts. You must tuck your puff legs into your socks and your shirt into your pants. Ticks will usually attach low onto your body and crawl upwards so if you can eliminate patches of exposed skin then they’re less sure to bite you. When you’re in a place that you may be bitten by a tick, wear a tick repellent. These lotions and bug sprays can be acquired in any drug store and there are also repellents which you can treat your clothing and gear with.

An insecticide called permethrin kills ticks and can be found either online or at most sporting goods and gardening centers. Take cotton, treat it with the permethrin, and put it in biodegradable cardboard tubes. The tubes are placed outside, where mice collect it for their nests. The permethrin kills any ticks that feed on the mice. This system will not harm the mice, but will kill the ticks. Many people also choose to keep guinea fowl on their property. Guinea fowl, a type of bird, can eat very large quantities of ticks and can often keep your property clear of them.

The best way to protect your pets from tick bites is to keep them indoors. If this is not desired or practical, then you should consider using tick medication. If you take this route, be very careful about what you choose. There have been multiple animal deaths, as well as serious illness, as a result of over the counter tick medication. Consult your veterinarian about possible medications for your pet. You should brush your dog or cat regularly with a special brush made to remove fleas and tick. It’s also good practice to manually inspect their fur, not only for their own safety, but because they can spread to your family. Washing their bedding, grooming them on a regular basis, and keeping your grass mowed short will help reduce a tick problem. When planning an excursion into areas where you suspect ticks could be hiding, you should designate a “tick buddy” to check your body. Pick someone that you trust, as you will need them to examine your body thoroughly. Ticks can hide anywhere so you need to do a very solid tick check. You should also remember to check your hair, especially if it is long or thick. Remember that ticks like to hide in crevices, so don’t neglect places like the back of your knees, underarms and groin.

Remove a Tick
When a tick attaches itself to it’s host it fundamentally buries its head under the outer surface of your skin, so it’s critical that you do not just try and yank it out. This can leave is mouth parts and head under your skin which can end up in infection. When you have found a tick, you will want to take 2 tweezers and put them round the tick, as close to the outer surface of your skin as practicable. Grab onto the tick and pull straight back. You might have to shake the tweezers a bit to get the tick to come out. Pull slowly but forcibly. Once it is out, you may either burn it, or wrap it up in tissue and flush it down the john. Don’t simply throw it in the garbage, as it will likely climb out and bite you again. You also do not really wish to smash it with your hand or feet as which will release any poisons present in the ticks body. Once the tick is removed, comprehensively wash the situation of the bite with water and soap. You want to also clean it with some alcohol or betadine and consider putting it into a sealed container and storing it in your refrigerator for a month in the event you develop any symptoms. Having the tick that bit you could help doctors diagnose your disorder.

If you would like to read more, please go here tick repellent

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Posted on: July 13, 2010

Filed under: Obesity

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