What Is The Best Way To Lose Weight.

8th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The age old question is how is a person supposed to get rid of their belly fat. Should I work out or should I eat right? A person will be able to lose weight if they exercise or diet, but to get the most effectiveness out of them, they need to learn what the body does with the food that you take in.

All human beings are controlled with the basal metabolic rate. This is the number of calories every living person needs to survive. It is based on the amount of calories needed to keep our organs functioning. Even walking to the fridge for some tempting snack or a cold one, and then back to the sofa for the next TV show would be considered exercise, just as doing a six pack ab exercise program is considered exercise when computing your BMR. The number is strictly the energy that is required to keep your organs functioning. Some of the factors that determine the number are how old a person is and what the shape of their body is. People who are more toned have a higher basal metabolic rate. Women and men have different formulas to compute their BMR.

If someone wants to know exactly what their number in they need to take a myriad of things into account including whether they are a man or woman, how old they are, their body shape, and their family history to name a few. There are formulas that can help a person figure it out and a search on the internet or some time spent checking out the message boards at biggest loser weight loss forum can help a person determine their basic metabolism rate. To find the numbers of calories we actually burn in a day we need to multiply our BMR by our activity. This equation lets you know how many calories you use every day. By knowing how calories you are expending you can determine how many calories you should take in to help you lose the weight.

All of this still does not say which is best to lose weight. If you limit your food intake, your basal metabolic rate will drop, If your BMR is lower it is much harder to lose weight through diet alone. Extreme dieting may actually have negative side effects like hormone disruption

It is also difficult to shed many pounds when all you do is concentrate on your workouts. You do not burn enough calories without very rigorous exercise. When you find yourself exercising more you find a need to eat more food too. The recommended reduction for safe weight loss is between 500 and 1000 calories a day.

The bottom line concerning calories and weight loss is very simple. When you put out more energy than you take in, the pounds will disappear. When you take in more energy than you use, it is stored as fat in our bodies. The trick is to find the balance using both diet and exercise.

The best way to control your basal metabolic rate is to add some workouts to a proper meal plan and raise your number higher. The most successful fitness regimens are the ones that work in a slower fashion. There are many helpful sites on the internet such as http://www.fatlossfactor.com, for someone who needs guidance in coming up with a plan to lose the unwanted weight they are carrying.

If you are able to create a deficit of around five hundred calories daily to lose one pound of fat a week. The combination of exercise and calorie reduction will give you the results you are looking for with the added benefit of becoming much more fit in the process.~The answer to the question is to do a little of both to make sure that you are safely losing the weight that you want to.~A healthy lifestyle includes both eating right and regular activity and will result in a fit and trim body.} When you include these things into a healthy lifestyle, you will get to enjoy all of the benefits.

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