Are Diet Pills Right For You

6th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Losing weight isn’t easy and unless you’re a super hero, you’re probably going to need a little help along the way. When dieting gets tough we turn to friends, family, message boards such as the biggest loser weight loss forum, groups, diet programs, and books which are all helpful ways to get support.
Many people have turned to weight loss programs like to help them reach their goals while still others believe in the idea of getting a leg up on losing weight is popping a pill. The key to using some type of miracle drug is information and a person should get some if they want to try some of these drugs.
There are a couple of distinctions between the types of pills available to help a person lose weight. Weight loss supplements are sold over the counter. These miracle workers are slickly packaged to catch your eye and are strategically placed for you to see wherever you shop. The other type of diet pills need a doctor to give you a prescription for them.
The most important thing to remember about weight loss supplements is just because they’re available over the counter, that doesn’t mean they’re necessarily safe. Known side effects to OTC weight loss supplements include serious gastrointestinal problems, dermatitis, and sleep disruption. In extreme cases, such as ephedra, OTC products have caused potentially fatal reactions.
OTC supplements can also interact with other medications you may be taking. This can be dangerous if you’re using medication to control serious conditions such as high blood pressure or heart disease.
Taking medication without your doctor’s knowledge is a risky prospect in and of itself. Remember, the clerk at the health food store who recommends a product doesn’t know the first thing about your medical history or the other medications you’re taking; but your doctor does.
While the manufacturers claim that they are an effective and safe way to lose weight, there is not much evidence to prove that they are. Many people don’t bother to read the fine print to see that it says to use in conjunction with exercise and proper diet and they didn’t plan on watching what they eat or doing a six pack ab exercise program in addition to a diet pill. If you expect a pill to do what only diet and exercise can, you’ll find you’ve lost more money than weight.
For some people, eating right and getting some physical activity is not enough for them to lose the weight that they need to and they should consult with their doctor to see if a prescription medicine could help them achieve their goals.
There are three types of weight loss medication. One type of medication that they could offer would be an appetite suppressant that also can boost energy. A person can also choose to try a pill that will keep their body from collecting and keeping the fat that is in their food. Diet pill, even by prescription, should not be used for a long period of time and can cause harm to some people. They should all be used under the supervision of a doctor.
It is important to remember that these diet supplements are designed for people who are severely overweight and need to do something drastic. For the general public who want to get rid of a little belly fat, they can start working out and eating right to accomplish their goals. It can be accomplished by diet and exercise and does not require pills. The only way to get fit and trim is to do the right things even when you are taking a miracle pill. Losing weight is never as easy as putting the weight on. The effort will pay off when you look in the mirror.

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