Does Hypnosis Work

16th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

A lot of people fail to understand how hypnosis works and many question ‘does hypnosis really work? The simple response is yes.

In short, hypnosis is a form of unconsciousness or trance and, unbeknown to most of us, everyone experiences a kind of hypnosis everyday without knowing it!. Have you ever left home and driven somewhere and when you arrive not remembered any of the journey there? Have you ever been so engrossed in a TV programme you have failed to hear the conversations going on around you or the doorbell ringing? Yes! Well this is hypnosis in a kind of trance.

Hypnosis is understood to be ‘the use of trance and suggestion to enhance general self control and maintain a positive attitude’ and lots of people use hypnosis to make positive changes in their lives and improvements in their unconscious level.

Various ways of hypnosis will be used when you first visit a hypnotherapist to guide you into a relaxed state of mind or trance. They’ll focus your mind on their suggestions and soothe you into an unconscious level.

Once in this unconscious state of mind hypnotists are able to assist you with a lot of factors and manage certain issues such as weight loss, quitting smoking, overcoming anxiety and panic attacks, substance addiction, gaining personal or professional success and lots of other issues.

Having your mind with a positive attitude under hypnosis will help you to make unconscious decisions and get over anxieties and make positive life changes.

By recalling past memories, whether good or bad, can also help people overcome and problems or issues they have concerning their past and finally lay them to rest.

Although some people still don’t fully understand hypnosis, for many others it has been proven as a effective method in improving their lives and has given them a positive attitude to reach their goal.

If you would like to find out more on hypnosis and how it works then please contact us today at hypnois. We offer sound advice on all aspects of hypnosis and how it works. Contact us hypnosis now and find out more!

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Posted on: June 16, 2010

Filed under: Obesity

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