Are You Worried About Obesity

10th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There are no quick fixes for being overweight or for the stresses of modern life. Some people may have been born more likely to be overweight, but it is also partly due to their lifestyle. The internet is full of websites such as that are designed to help people lose weight and other sites that promise to get a person to lose 30 pounds in ten minutes or tout themselves as the miracle way to guaranteed weight loss. Unfortunately that is not necessarily a good thing. Unfortunately to shed the extra pounds, most people will have to break a sweat.

As a person gets older they find themselves using less energy and adding unwanted pounds. For many overweight people stress plays a major role. Research shows that the best way to lose weight permanently is to persist until you find reasonably healthy, balanced diet and exercise routines that you can stick with until they are a habit. The best rate of weight loss is about one pound per week which means taking in about 250 calories less per day and using up 250 calories more through exercise.

Sometimes the simplest way is the best way. It is very stressful to maintain a diet and exercise program. Doing things that are healthy for a person can be difficult. Many experts think that it’s just as important to consider our adjustment to life’s problems as it is to plan an eating or starting a six pack ab exercise program in order to get your body into the shape that you desire.

A lot of us turn to food to comfort us. It’s a pleasure when you’re bored or frustrated. The choice to eat right and exercise regularly is much harder than the choice to do nothing. It is difficult for a person to handle the stressful feelings that are created when people look at them strangely because of their weight in addition to worrying about whether they are going to get sick or not.

If stress makes weight loss difficult, start keeping track of when you overeat or don’t exercise and try to get in touch with the feelings you have at the time. What are the reasons behind the plate of food that you ate in between meals. There are a myriad of reasons behind so called comfort eating and not everybody is always aware of what these reasons may be.

In our society there are many things that people associate snacking with. Many people struggle to find the balance between comfort and need. Some people give into the desire to snack subconsciously. Your body is looking for some relief from the stress and that relief is often found in food.

If someone is dealing with many issues they can fill themselves up until they feel uncomfortable. Then they feel guilt and regret, and criticize themselves, saying I’m weak, or I’m useless which is untrue and unfair and they go onto message boards like biggest loser weight loss forum where they can complain about their diet and exercise program in complete anonymity. It is possible for a person to be hiding severe mental issues with their constant overeating. It’s not a matter of self control.

The good news is that becoming aware of your stresses and feelings gives you the chance to find ways to manage them more effectively. To get to a healthy weight and then stay at the healthy weight a person must commit themselves to the difficult process of following a proper diet and regular exercise, and doing this can make many other things in their life easier.

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