What Is The Right Weight

19th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Your first step to find out if you are at a healthy weight is to find out what your BMI is and what your waist size is. These numbers go a long way in telling a person what the proper size is for them to be at. A person can do a lot of harm to their body if they have excess weight on them.
Your BMI tells you the recommended weight range for your height. By comparing your weight to your height a person can determine the health of their body. A body mass indicator of less than eighteen and a half means someone weighs less than they should. If your BMI is between 19 and 24.9, you are in the recommended weight range for your height. Just because a person falls in the recommended range does not mean they are healthy if they don’t eat right and get regular exercise. For someone who has a body mass indicator higher than 25 but less than 30 they are said to be overweight. Just because you are in this category does not mean you are in danger, there are other factors involved. For anybody’s who’s ratios are higher than this they are said to be obese. Anyone who is in this category is putting their body at risk for many problems and should find ways to lower the ratios. To help control your weight a person can find websites such as the one at http://www.fatlossfactor.com to help them develop a program that will get them to a healthy weight and keep them there.
It’s important to remember that your BMI is only one measure of your health. The amount of exercise a person gets and the food that they consume also play a role in how well the body works. A person’s lifestyle will go a long way in determining how good they feel even if they are not overweight according to some ratio.
Your waistline is a second indicator of the shape that a person’s body is in. Your waistline is where much of the fat that you have on your body ends up. When someone is carrying too many pounds, they put their body at risk for a lot of problems. Take the time to see the size of your midsection. Since people’s size varies the size of a healthy midsection varies also.
If you are in the overweight or obese category and your waist size is too high, you can learn about all of the health issues that you might face on the future on forums like the biggest loser weight loss forum where there are many topics about all of the dangers of being overweight. If you have two or more health problems, you may need to make some lifestyle changes and lose weight.
There are some of us who are not happy with the shape of our body even though the numbers say we are at the correct size. There are a lot of us who think that way.
It can be hard to be satisfied with how you look when TV and magazines show unrealistic images of what it means to be thin or have a six pack ab exercise program that they promise will help you keep the ideal body no matter what you look like now. There are several ways for a person to handle this. What is a healthy body for one person is not a healthy body for another. Peoples opinions are influenced by what other people think. But the way a skinny model looks in a magazine or television ad is not normal or ideal. Do you feel good and have plenty of energy? Enjoying life is much more important than listening to what a number tells you. You can do more harm to your body if you are dieting when you shouldn’t. Most people who diet end up gaining back the pounds they lost and more. Remain an individual. Do everything you can to avoid the problems of an unhealthy body.

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