Do You Have Any Idea About The Best Halitosis Cure?

18th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you have bad breath or halitosis, the first thing that you have to consider is the food that you have been eating. I hate to say this but I had halitosis once and it was really a very embarrassing situation. I always go for mint candies and breath fresheners other than brushing my teeth and/or using floss. Those are just temporary remedies for halitosis. I tried to find the best halitosis cure, one that is permanent and one that is natural and safe. The first thing I did is to go easy on “smelly” yet delicious food like foods with garlic, onion or other spices. I finally decided to go eat more vegetables and fruits rather than meat products and poultry. With these things and a natural cure that I’ve found on the Web, I have eliminated halitosis for good.

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