The Cause Of Allergies .

18th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

While, normally most common in the spring and summer months, hay fever and , or allergic rhinitis, can occur throughout the year, if you are especially susceptible to it.

Caused by a reaction to small pollen particles from wind pollinated plants such as trees, grasses and weeds individuals can suffer runny noses, water eyes and phlegm within the throat and during several months of the year when pollen counts are at their highest symptoms can often be unbearable.

Although locations like parks, gardens and woods have a high pollen count individuals can still suffer from hay fever even in developed places as pollen travels on the wind spreading it far and wide.

Nevertheless, there are numerous allergy elimination on the market available to keep hay fever along with other allergies under control, by far the best cure is following a healthy, balanced diet. It is necessary to help your body fight respiratory and sinus infections and a healthy diet can help you do so.

Eating an abundance of fresh fruit such as apples, tomatoes and oranges is an excellent source of the important antioxidant vitamin C which protects the body from hay fever and other allergies.

A great way to fight against allergies is the skin of red grapes which are high in an antioxidant called ‘Resveratrol’ so a glass of red wine truly is good with your dinner!

Nuts are a superb source of both vitamin E and magnesium which will help protect you from lung infections and wheezing.

Although some spicy foods can irritate the condition, products such as garlic, Cajun spices and horseradish can stimulate the nerve fibres and act as a decongestant and make mucus in both the throat and nose much less sticky making allergies treatment possible.

Combined with specially formulated nasal sprays and eye drops, hayfever along with other such allergies can easily be controlled with a healthy, balanced diet.

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