Eczema Skin Rash

13th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Eczema covers a group of skin conditions also known as dermatitis that affects all age groups. In it’s mildest form, the skin is itchy and dry, and in more serious forms the skin can become raw, broken and have bleeding. There are several different types of eczema, including atopic eczema, contact eczema, seborrhoeic eczema and xerotic eczema.

Eczema skin rash unsightly, but it’s not contagious.

An Eczema skin rash can cause a lot of physical discomfort. An Eczema rash can break out anywhere on your body but most often on the legs, hands, neck or face. Sometimes you will get a rash on your lips. In children an eczema rash is common in the creases of the knees, elbows, and wrists. Eczema skin symptoms usually start as an itch that develops into a rash. Don’t scratch the site that’s itching as this will worsen the problem.
Do not use hot water for showers but instead use lukewarm water. Steer clear of scrubbing the skin either with a towel or using abrasives. If you work where they use a lot of chemicals that could cause you problems.

Simple Steps To Take

It’s good to wear cotton clothing and avoid wool while you are figuring things out. A mild soap like dove for sensitive skin works well as it contains no perfumes. Take and Oatmeal bath instead of bubble baths.

Eczema Medication

Eczema medication is used according to the intensity of the disease. meant to soothe the irritated and inflamed skin. They also hydrate the skin. If you are able to maintain enough moisture, it relieves the dry skin, irritation as well as reduces the inflammation and scaling. The cooling effects of these lotions can also relieve the distress one feels when suffering from this disease. The lotions made for eczema easily spread over a large area to reduce extra irritation.

Eczema is most often treated with glucocorticoid ointments, creams or lotions. Patients may experience side effects, so these medications must be used in very small amounts.

Doctors may also prescribe antibiotics for eczema. It is easy for bacteria to enter the body through dry or cracked skin, as is common with eczema. This is why many doctors use antibiotics in eczema cases.

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Posted on: May 13, 2010

Filed under: Obesity

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