Ways to Cure Hemorrhoids

8th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

What is the meaning of Hemorrhoids and in what manner may they be appropriately treated? Hemorrhoids start because a pressure is applied to the rectum or anal area, which may be started by constipation, being seated for long amounts of time and intense weight-lifting.

Due to these reasons, there is an increased pressure on the rectal and anus area, which causes the veins to bulge. Hemorrhoids are veins which become enlarged in the place of the rectum. In certain extreme cases, the veins will not be able to handle the pressure and could actually burst and start bleeding.

There is a common misconception among people that Hemorrhoids can be treated externally by applying cream or other medicines on the affected area. But this concept cannot be further away from the truth. The first line of treatment focuses on stopping the manifestations that are causing the person to feel undue suffering.

Bathing in lukewarm water many times during the day can reduce the pain and relax the nerves. Ice packs are also used in order to reduce the swelling due to bulging veins. Cortisone creams, hemorrhoid cream and petroleum jelly may additionally assist in pain relief when applied.

The anus must additionally be washed following every bowel movement. If the Hemorrhoids do not respond to all these treatment methods, there are other options that can be used to treat internal Hemorrhoids.

Rubber band tying is an often performed way for people to treat Hemorrhoids. The situation involves putting the tiny band on the bottom of the Hemorrhoid. This band halts blood supply when it gets to the Hemorrhoid which causes the death of a Hemorrhoid and it will drop off during the timeframe of a week.

Injection Sclerotherapy procedure involves injecting a chemical near the Hemorrhoids. The chemical causes inflammation of the veins and this result in the Hemorrhoids shrinking.

The Infrared Photocoagulation procedure involves infrared light and this causes the veins to clot by which blood supply stops so the Hemorrhoid grows small and falls off.

In Laser Coagulation some electric waves are applied to the Hemorrhoid. This electric current causes a chemical reaction which additionally causes blood to stop being supplied to the Hemorrhoid. Due to lack of blood, it gradually loses its size and shrinks.

The Hemorrhoidectomy is a surgical process whereby the Hemorrhoid is removed from the are of the anal canal. All these procedures are very effective in helping get rid of Hemorrhoids and after a physician consultation you may select one.

As you can see, there can be many methods to treat Hemorrhoid but I advise that you visit my website for some recommendations.

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Posted on: May 8, 2010

Filed under: Obesity

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