Complications Of Being Overweight

5th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The problems of too much fat are worldwide. More and more people are being classified as being obese. It is no longer an issue that is going to be resolved by people getting up in the morning and doing a six pack ab exercise program in order to stay in shape, the obesity problem has exploded too much for a simple solution such as that. There are many risks associated with being obese. What should a person be aware of if they are obese?

There is an increased risk of premature death. The risk of premature death rises with increasing weight. Even moderate weight gain increases the risk of death, particularly among adults aged 30 to 64 years. Individuals who are obese have a 50 to 100 percent increased risk of premature death from all causes, compared to individuals with a healthy weight.~For people who are greatly overweight their chance of dying before their time can be doubled.~Someone who has a BMI of over thirty will face twice as much of a chance of shortening their life significantly.}
There is an increased risk of heart disease. Carrying too much weight cause the heart to be stressed more and the more a person weighs the more stress the heart is placed under. A fat person is not able to control their blood pressure and it can be two times higher than someone who is not fat.
The occurrence of strokes is more common in the obese population. Atherosclerosis is accelerated by high blood pressure, smoking, high cholesterol and lack of exercise and can lead to strokes. One way to prevent strokes is to choose a proper diet and to workout on a regular basis, but someone who is fat does not usually do these things. That is why being overweight is one of the factors that is associated with this malady.
There is an increased risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Even if a person is only slightly overweight the chance of developing this is about double that of a fit and trim person. Over 80 percent of people with diabetes are obese.
People who are overweight also face sexual problems. Fat can interrupt a bodies regular blood flow and that can create an inability for a male to function the way they would like.
(There is an increased risk of arthritis.~Obesity has been linked to joint problems.~People who are overweight end up with pain in their bones.} Joint pain is very common when someone is carrying around more weight than they should be. People diagnosed with severe clinical or morbid obesity are even more susceptible. The risk of osteoarthritis increases with every 2-pound gain in weight.
A women who is pregnant can face problems when overweight Obesity has a strong detrimental effect on the health of both mother and new born baby. A person who is overweight while carrying a child has a much higher mortality rate for both of them. It also raises the risk of high blood pressure in the Mom, by 10 times. The unborn child faces the prospects of being malformed due to the weight of the mother. Obesity-related health problems occurring after childbirth include higher risk of wound and endometrial infection, endometritis and urinary tract infection.
There is no denying the dangers of obesity. Message boards such as the biggest loser weight loss forum are full of people who discuss these issues and many more that are associated with obesity. A person who is overweight will face many more problems than can be written about. Someone who is overweight does not just have to deal with issues faced by their body, they also must deal with issues of their mind. If a person needs other help to solve a weight problem they can check out sites such as which has programs specifically designed to help people get fit and trim. It is possible for someone to do something about these risks if their body hasn’t broken down yet. The best thing a person can do is follow a proper diet and workout. A person can lower or even eliminate the chance of the different problems happening to them. It is possible to change the future if someone starts to eat right and exercise fregularly.

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