Play Away Your Stress and Anxiety with These Strategies – Learn More with Panic Away

2nd May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Play Therapy’s not just for kids, psychologists today are using it for adults too. Proven to ease anxiety Panic Away will leave you happier, more calm and relaxed.

So take a hint from kids and play away stress and anxiousness with these simple techniques:

Time to Play:

1. Fight Worrying with Music. Either listen to music or play an instrument. Studies show that simply pounding on a drum, table or even pots and pan helps you to let go of worries bottled up inside.

2. Soothe Your Nerves with a Board Game. This one really works for me. Being a single mom with 2 boys there comes a lot of stress but when my boys ask me to play a board game it requires me to concentrate and it really does distract me from all the stress and anxiety. Here’s a bonus: Statistics show that people who play board games have much lower incidence of Alzheimer’s.

3. Blow off Tension. A great way to relieve mental and physical pressure is by Blowing Bubbles! It refocuses your breathing, slows your heart rate and allows your diaphragm to take in more air, so adrenaline levels and stress hormones decrease.

4. Negative Energy Goes Bye-Bye with Dancing. Dancing is exercise so get up and dance with your kids or around the living room the next time you vacuum. Dancing can help to reduce high cholesterol, blood pressure and strengthen your heart.

5. Calm Your Stress by Painting. Painting allows you to express yourself, your emotions and fears. Just paint whatever you want, just like kids do, you will feel more happy and more energetic.

6. Play with Clay. You will relax muscles and release frustration with the motions of pushing and pulling clay or Play-Doh.

Remember it’s okay to act silly and have some fun. And if you have kids do it along with them, it’s a great way to spend fun, quality time together!

So don’t wrestle with your anxiety another day, let panic away melt it away!

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Posted on: May 2, 2010

Filed under: Obesity

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