Survival Percentages For Cancer Of The Colon

20th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

A diagnosis of bowel cancer doesnt definitely mean that the survival of this illness is bleak as opposed to other sorts of Cancer. If colon cancer is caught early while its in the first stage there’s a 93% survival rate. While Cancer in any form is quite serious, colon cancer is basically one of the easiest to beat.

In some instances, removing the sick section of the gut cures the malignancy and chemotherapy or radiation won’t be required. Cancer location aids in determining survival rates. As an example, if the tumor is located in the ascending colon, which is nearest the small intestine, is approximately 63%. Survival Rates For Colon Cancer

The cross colon, along the middle, survival rates are approximately 59% while the descending colon, that which is nearest the spincter is 66%. This rating system relieson a5 year average, meaning the amount of patients still alive 5 years after diagnosis.

Survival rates are also set by what county the patient lives. In Europe, the rate is 43% and in America it is 62%. These statistical data , however , could be swayed by the quality of care received.

Stages of the illness are decided by the scale of the illness, if it has spread thru the gut walls and / or other organs or lymph nodes. There are 2 sorts of staging, which is the process to figure out the sort of cancer. The clinical stage will be performed by the doctor with blood tests, biopsies and mris. The pathologic stage is set by the consultant, as in surgery, to get a visible idea of the extent and kind of cancer.

Having regular colonoscopies ( the pre-screening process ) are critical in catching the illness early. Sometimes a colonoscopy is recommended annual for individuals 40 and over , however , if there’s a history of the illness, either in the patient or blood related family, the doctor may endorse pre-screening more often.

Some studies also show that exercise and diet can play a vital role in stopping colon cancer.


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Posted on: April 20, 2010

Filed under: Obesity

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