4 Strategies to End Feeling Blue and Why Panic Away is the Best

19th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Approximately 12 million American women suffer from depression, that’s a huge number and what about all those who are not diagnosed?

Anxiety can definitely lead to depression without you even being aware of it, that’s why it’s vital to choose Panic Away to confront your fears and CURE those painful anxiety attacks .

There are things we unknowingly do or don’t do that can trigger depression, such as:

1. Trying to keep up with our “To Do” lists. Unrelenting stress can zap the brain’s ability to produce endorphins or happy hormones. Instead of striving to complete your list, make sure you do something enjoyable for just 10 minutes a day, it will boost your happiness! When you put your focus on something fun other than all of your worries it gives your mind a break.

2. Not eating enough green vegetables. Eat at least 1 cup of broccoli or spinach daily. These greens are rich in folate and starts the production of serotonin the brains own antidepressant.

3. Skimping on fruit. The complex carbohydrates in fruit increase mood-boosting brain chemicals by 50%. Eating fruit can also help with shutting down cravings for sweets.

4. Hard time falling asleep? Insomnia is a BIG blues trigger. Trying keeping your lights dim at night. Surround yourself with light in the daylight and dim light in the evening will keep you in sync with the clock.

Do You Know if You’re Depressed?

a. Frequent anxiety
b. Low energy
c. Isolation from family and friends
d. Weight gain
e. Wanting to sleep more
f. Craving for sweets and starches
g. Finding it difficult to concentrate
h. Problems keeping up with day to day tasks such as completing work or housework.

Panic Away is wonderful! It’s program and One Move Technique has helped thousands RECOVER and OVERCOME from their anxiety completely!

If you have anxiety and are struggling with all those anxious thoughts, there is help and you need to start NOW before it can lead to depression.

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