Weight Disorders In Kids

16th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Weight turns out to be everyone’s main thing to be worried about nowadays. Whether it is a factory owner worried about the net weight of his product which uses modern Industrial scales to check for the losses, or a pharmacist using Electronic scales for monitoring the exact proportions; weight is everyone’s problem. Your body weight is another subject that is most talked about. Not only adults, but children in USA too are getting caught up by weight disorders. With the outbreak of the fast food culture and PS 2 obsession, there is no reasoning to why you might be concerned about your kid to be labeled as a “couch potato” by school bullies. Of course this is a major matter of concern. The total percentages of children in America who are overweight are nearly sixteen to thirty three percent. Obesity is termed as the “second leading cause of preventable death in America”.

Individuals may argue that if a child does not eat much, he or she will not have sufficient nutrients to make him grow well. What they do not comprehend is the difference between eating well and over eating. Furthermore, studies prove that the dietary habits in earlier phase of your life decide your structure for the later phase of your life. Once you have crossed infancy, your dietary habits will decide how obese you will be when you grow up. For example a person may eat much as an adult but does not gain much weight; the cause behind he may not have been habitual of eating a lot when he was a kid. All in all, early dietary habits have a significant position in your weight for the rest of your life.

Now the question is what is the reasons for child obesity? The main reason may be the genes the child has inherited. If one of the two parents is obese, this gives the child a fifty percent chance of being obese. In the case, where both parents are obese, the possibility is up to eighty percent. However, besides being the main reason, this may not be all. The second most frequent of the reasons is that your child might have poor dietary habits. This may be due to the ever increasing attraction of kids towards fast food and junk food. Together with this is lack of exercise. Children who constantly sit on the couch watching TV or playing videogames are likely to become more obese than the ones who stay energetic and sporty. Other causes may be psychological. Children are likely to gain weight due to low self esteem or just because they are used to taking too much of mental tensions.

To manage weight disorders, the key area to put your concern is a good diet. However, this may not mean you should put your kids on diet. All you have to do is control it. Give children healthy stuff to eat like vegetables, juices and fish. Increase the physical movement of your kid, and make him take part in activities and sports. Also you must counsel your child and figure out what are the mental tensions or stress he or she is facing.

You should emphasize on eating meals properly at the dining area instead of the couch. These will maintain a routine of sitting straight while he or she dines. Losing weight may not be very simple once you are in love with food. However, it is not so difficult either. All you have to work hard on is a little determination and hope. All the best!

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