I Was Eating Myself To Death

9th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

(There was no doubt about it.~I couldn’t deny it any longer~It was a fact that was very obvious.} My body was sick. I was very obese and my body was not working the way it was supposed to anymore. It wasn’t a surprise when my physician gave me a long list of all of the issues I was facing. All of them were related to my weight. I was digging a grave for myself by living the way that I did.

I couldn’t hide the fact that I was obese from anyone. It was clear to me what the problem was, but how could I solve the problem? It took me years to get my body into the shape I was, but I didn’t have years to fix it. I was lost and didn’t know where to turn when I went searching on the internet and found something called the biggest loser forum, where there were chat rooms full of people who were fighting a weight loss battle of their own. I was able to find the support of others and began looking into ways that I could get healthier. I was able to find a lot of information about the different ways to lose weight. Once I had decided that it was either now or never to get healthy, I was ready for the next step.

The first thing I did was to go to my doctor. My physician agreed with the idea to get healthy and helped me develop my plan. Both my doctor and myself decided that I needed to take care of my weight issue now. It was decided that the best way for me to fight the fat was by limiting my food intake while also maintaining a daily fitness regimen. I stuck to the diet despite my cravings for all the foods that I was not allowed to eat any more, and I did my exercises faithfully every day, even the six pack ab exercises, that were on the video I had found in the attic. Despite my efforts, I was not making progress. A half a year went by, and I was still as fat as when I was started and I began to feel like a failure. I had to do something different, but I was unsure of what to do.

I went back to my doctor and told him it was time for me to find a way to learn how to lose weight fast, and what would he suggest that I try next to accomplish this goal since I had run out of ideas. I began my new quest where my first attempt had begun, at my medical professionals office. My doctor suggested a method that would reduce the size of my stomach. He said this would only allow me to eat small amounts of food at a time. I knew that this type of drastic measure was filled with peril. It would be more dangerous for me to stay as fat as I was. If I didn’t change something soon, I could die at any moment. I took this information back to my family and we decided that I would go head with the surgery.

The day finally came when I went to the hospital to try to change my life. The operation was successful and I spent a short time in bed at the hospital. I got stronger each day after the surgery and looked forward to the next step. During that time I could hardly eat anything. My doctor eventually gave me the clearance to begin working out. I was not going to accept anything short of success with this plan. There was no denying that it was working. I was watching the fat melt off of my body. Within the first year after surgery I had lost over one hundred pounds. It has been two years since my surgery and I am exactly half the man I used to be. My doctor says I am no longer considered obese, I am just overweight. The health issues I was facing had all been lessened. I still exercise everyday and now my family joins in with me. I have taken back my life from the monster that obesity is, and I look forward to never having to face it again.

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