How Worrying Affects Your Body

8th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Stress has a direct effect on your weight. The amount you weigh is a result of how much you worry. People have written many reports that detail how a person deals with issues can have a direct impact on their ability to control their weight. Being overweight is not conducive to living a long and fruitful life and when we are overweight we face many additional health issues than those who are not overweight. Many of these health problems can cause a person to suffer from issues that shorten their life.

Females tend to feel the affects of their nerves around their waistline more. Studies have shown that even otherwise slim women who are under high stress levels are prone to put on weight on around their abdominal area.

If a person is placing themselves under additional demands, they respond by releasing cortisol in their body. One of the effects of this is that the body will amass more girth around the middle. In order for this not to occur a person must control their nerves before hand because the amount of cortisol in you body remains elevated once it has gone up. In other words, the stress that you feel today could have you on edge, but you must deal with the tension it’s causing in the right way. Without taking care of the nerves beforehand, the effects of the hormone that is released will be felt long after the issues that created the nerves has disappeared. The prolonged effects of cortisol will cause even more fatty deposits to find their way to your middle even when the stress seems to have passed.

You do not have to accept a bigger belly as a result of this if you take a few steps.. Realize that your waist is bigger than you want. Don’t watch the late night television advertisements for the greatest weight loss program that is designed to show you how to lose weight fast, and decide that you have to buy it right away, but instead make the commitment to do something about the weight loss issue that you have. Working out is a wonderful way to reduce stress and this fact has been well documented. People who exercise also often face fewer health issues than someone who does not exercise. Exercise has the ability to make your life less stressful and it can also make you feel better about the way you appear to others which is one less thing that you will have to worry about. Getting just a half an hour of physical activity in most days of the week can do wonders for your stress levels and it does not have to be at an overpriced health spa, you can exercise in your living room and do the six pack ab exercises that we all learned in the physical education class that was taught in elementary school..
There are many other things that someone can do to lower their anxiety levels besides working out. There is a lot of information and groups that have found their way onto the internet like the biggest loser forum that can help a person find out the things that they need to do to live a healthier and less stressed life.
The options that a person has to lessen their anxiety is varied. Some will work better for some people than others. Someone will find that yoga works best for them. The company of a pet might be the answer for another individual. Everyone must find the method or methods that work for them. But there is no denying the importance of finding some way to reduce stress in our lives. It is not good enough to just know why your waist is growing. The only way to do that is to actually find a way to lower your stress.

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