Realizing What Causes Anxiety Is Quite Often Challenging

30th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It is pretty difficult to determine exactly what causes anxiety, although basically doctors suspect environmental stress, brain chemistry and genetics as major contributors to the development of such psychological disorders. Not even the therapeutic mechanism of the medication prescribed for the alleviation of symptoms is not fully known or explained. We could say that nervous ailments are a vicious circle with lots of unknown factors, and that symptoms are easier to treat than the causes. Nevertheless, recovery is not impossible, on the contrary, a full recovery of the health condition can result from the adequate combination of therapy and medication.

Brain chemistry sometimes works as one of the causes of anxiety if we consider the abnormal levels of the neurotransmitters in the brain. Neurotransmitters represent the chemicals via which the information travels from nerve to nerve. When the brain chemical secretion is faulty, the brain gets incorrect messages, and anxiety is often the immediate consequence. Besides brain chemistry, genetics are very often mentioned among the causes of anxiety, since the frequency of the disorder is higher in families with mental illness history. Thus, the brain sensitivity is inherited and passed on to the next generation.

Traumatic life events sometimes become causes of anxiety, but the individuality of the person in question has an important influence. Thus, while some will develop anxiety after the death of a loved one, others will experience it because of job or school changing or divorce. Anxiety disorders also tend to get more serious during periods of intense stress, with the mention that the withdrawal from addictive substances can also aggravate the condition. Thus, it will be a lot more difficult to quit smoking or eliminate alcohol and caffeine from your life when you suffer from generalized anxiety disorder.

It sometimes happens for pregnancy to cause temporary anxiety, but subjective factors and personal sensitivities have their share in the game as well. Then, the use of drugs like cannabis, ecstasy, LSD or amphetamines can also trigger anxiety in different forms and at various intensity levels. Some causes of anxiety can be identified in daily life; in fact, stress is often a motivating factor for lots of people, and many owe their success to it. Therefore, the causes of anxiety don’t have to be pathological; in many cases you will be able to stop anxiety attacks with the proper relaxation and the right attitude.

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