Depression Medications Used To Address Depression

27th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

A few days of feeling sad or depressed does not mean depression. Depression can last for years, it’s a serious illness. Studies have show that around 15 million Americans are affected by this illness each and every year. Only about 4.5 million of those people seek help, which is unfortunate. The age- old stereotype associated with mental illness influences many to still avoid admitting they suffer from depression. Of the list of progressive ailments depression is one of the worst. Without attention it will become more and more severe. It cannot be ignored.

There are many types of depression and various factors can cause depression. Physical and emotional problems, chemical issues, even DNA all play a part. The day to day lives of the victim may even have a role. It can be caused by stress brought on by even more detrimental factors. It takes a lot of knowledge to address a complex issue like depression. We also recognize the intricacy of man’s mind. The medical profession is working steadily in an attempt to study the mind and how it works. It’s clear that it’s an imbalance of chemical compounds in the brain that creates depression. Researches learn more about this complex series of actions and reactions with passing time. The more we learn about depression the better we can treat it.

There are a variety of medications available to treat depression. Miracle treatments also exist, but many times these are empty claims. You have to be careful to seek medications that have been clinically studied and have been proven to display positive effects in the treatment of depression. Not too long ago people who were considered mentally ill were thrown into asylums, never again to be seen or heard. It’s good to know that’s no longer the case. The anti-depressant Prozac first came into use in the USA in 1988. Although it has side effects it is widely used and it is effective.

Since then a new class of anti-depressants has become popular as well. The SSRI or (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) like Paxil, Zoloft, Lexapro, Celexa, and Luvox are all being used to treat depression today. These have limited side effects and have been shown to work. Herbal medications also have a place in this market. The majority of these that have been proven to work as well as the anti-depressants contain the St. John Wort extract ingredient called ‘hyperforin’. Some herbal remedies don’t contain this ingredient in the proper strength so they don’t work. Be careful, do your research and you will find effective depression medications to treat your depression.

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