I Lost The Weight

27th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

You will not recognize me on the street. I have never applied to be a part of a reality television. Most of them required a person to be in good health and that was not for me. The one that was best for me is the Biggest Loser. I was dealing with a severe weight problem. Because of my weight I had diabetes, high blood pressure and joint pain. Even if I wasn’t going to enjoy my fifteen minutes of fame, that didn’t mean I had to stay the way that I was.

I am a fan of the show and had been to the website many times and had gone on the chat rooms that I found on the biggest loser forum, and also visited the websites that they had links to help me figure out what method I was going to use to lose my fat. I heard about systems that cleansed the impurities from your body and made inches disappear from your waistline and picked one of those out. The customer service representative was happy to assist me and I received my program shortly after talking to her. Unfortunately, I was unsure whether I really wanted to make the changes that I need to and the detox system stayed in its box for a little while. Eventually I got tired of looking at my enormous belly in the mirror and put off waiting any more.

I knew I wanted to learn how to lose weight fast, and the only way that I was going to do this was by trusting the product that I had bought and committing myself to getting the results. I picked a day on the calendar that seemed like a good time to start and my diet began. I knew that I had to make this diet work because I was not going to have a lot of other chances. I had been fat all of my life and I was sick of all the problems that it caused. I was faithful to the diet system I had chosen. I did not weight myself as I took the medicine that came with my diet system. I didn’t want to know how I was doing. It would be easy for me to stop what I was doing if I didn’t see the results that I expected every day even though the plan said that results would vary and your weight would fluctuate. The detox program promised to cleanse my body of unwanted impurities and to speed up my metabolism. Even though they said the fat would melt away in my sleep, I decided to put some work into also.

I knew that doing six pack ab exercises in my living room was not going to help me at all so I went out searching and found a gym that was convenient to me and joined. I made exercise a part of my nightly routine. I had heard that if you exercise after dinner, you were more likely to eat a smaller meal. I knew that U was not as likely to exercise when I was bloated, so I made sure to step away from the table earlier because of that. Again I was ready to try anything. I finished the cleansing program and it was time to get the results. The scale made me very happy. I had lost over ten percent of my weight. In less than a month. I had truly lost some weight fast and was ready to continue with the weight loss.

The fitness club where I was a member had some experts. We developed a plan that I could follow to keep me moving towards my goals. I worked with a dietician to determine how much and what kind of food that I should be eating. I was successful and reached my goal within two years. I no longer had to take medicine for my diabetes or my blood pressure and my body felt better. I was inspired by a bunch of people who put their weight loss journey out there for all to see and had taken my own journey. I had become the champion of my own reality show even if no one else had watched it.

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