It Sucks To Be Fat

23rd March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

I think I finally hit rock bottom. I had to take an airplane trip on my latest vactation. I was informed by the airline that because of my size I would have to purchase two seats. I was informed that this was the only way I could board the plane. I didn’t like the rule, but since I had to get there, I listened to what was said. I paid for the seat, and I vowed never to fly this stupid airline again with their discriminatory practices. I didn’t choose to be the weight that I was.

Now that I had bought my ticket, I made my way down the concourse picking up a few snacks along the way. What gave them the right to tell me I was too big. I decided to grab a magazine to read while I was waiting and picked one up at the newsstand and started to read it while I drank my supersized soda only to notice all types of ads touting products that promised to show me how to lose weight fast. Was there some type of message being sent to me in this airport? I have no issues with my weight. I have a mirror that I look in every day. Nobody needs to tell me that I should lose weight, it’s my body and I’ll treat it how I want to.

I got to my destination and picked up my bags and went outside to find a suitable ride to my lodgings. During the ride, I noticed all the great places to eat that were advertised on billboards and began to think about which ones I would go to. There was no shortage of food in this town, and I was going to get my share. My days of sightseeing were included with all of my meal plans. I was going to have a good time and I wasn’t too worried about finding time in my day to do my six pack ab exercises along with all of the other exercises I avoid on a daily basis. I had heard that nobody could serve food like they do here and I was not to be stopped in my efforts to check it out. I wasn’t going to miss any of the best places.

I got up the next morning to head to an all you can eat buffet which tasted great, but I kept getting weird stares from the management as I kept making my way back to the buffet table. Something had gone wrong but I was unsure what it was. Is it because of my size that this keeps happening? I didn’t think this was the reason and blamed the restaurant that I was in for my problem. It was never my fault before, so it can’t be my fault now. I had been online plenty of times reading how other people have all sorts of issues with their excess weight on discussion forums such as the biggest loser forum, but I wasn’t like the rest of those people. I didn’t have a weight problem.

The rest of my trip was uneventful, except for a short trip to the emergency room for shortness of breath, but they let me go so I was fine. On the trip home I had my extra seat on the plane and found my way back my house where I had furniture that fit me. It was good to be in the place that was made for a person like me. I’m not sure what happened next because I woke up in a hospital bed. The doctor informed me that I had suffered some type of cardiac arrest in my house. A neighbor had come into my home and saw my and quickly dialed 911 to save my life. I told the doctor I was only forty five years old and too young to have a heart attack. My doctor was blunt and he informed me that because I was so fat I was at risk for many things. I didn’t like hearing those words from anyone that didn’t really know me. Somewhere in all of those words, I started to believe they might be right, but all I could think of was that it stinks to be overweight.

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