Co-Workers Conquer the Agony of Migraine and Carpal Tunnel Through Chiropractic Care In Orange County

19th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

I was 16 years old when I fell from my horse during a competition and my battle with migraine headaches began. When I landed on my head and left shoulder, the migraines started their hold over me that would last for several years. Orange County Chiropractor

It has been 10 years that I have been looking for someone who could ease my pain,leading me from doctor to doctor. Healthcare providers who were simply not interested in listening to my medical history or treating the root problem erroneously diagnosed me with many ailments such as sinus infections and depression. They rather prefer prescribing more and more painkillers and having me checked into the hospital for test after test.

In my mid-20s, one physician put me on the antibiotic Ceclor for about six months, along with a strong painkiller Percocet. This doctor insisted that these drugs would cure my sinus infection. However, I did not have a sinus infection. It angers me to no end now that I look back and think of all of the bad medical advice that I paid for over the years.

Then due to the insistence of a co-worker, I visited Dr Candice McCowin at Great Life Chiropractic in Costa Mesa, California. My office mate suffered the agony of carpal tunnel syndrome to the extent where her physician advised surgery that would leave scars on her wrists and make her unable to perform her job for a couple of weeks. She was so close to agreeing to such an invasive procedure with her medical doctor but after several visits to Great Life Chiropractic, my co-worker could not believe she was no longer in pain.

Finally, I felt relieved to find a healthcare provider who listens attentively as she took my health history. Her extra training in this area made me aware that she was serious about achieving results with her patients.

Though many people think of massage as a relaxing experience, Dr. McCowin told me that it is an effective treatment of dealing with the discomfort caused by tight muscle spasms. Many migraine sufferers experience such muscle spasms in their necks, which is often a precursor to the onset of a severe migraine. These spasms can also take place during a migraine, which makes it even more painful for the individual.

I am no longer awakened in the middle of the night by severe migraine pain, followed by agony for the next three or four days. I am thankful to everyone’s ongoing care at Great Life Chiropractic for enhancing the quality of my life in so many ways. Chiropractic Care In Costa Mesa

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