My Wife And My My Sister Helped Me Overcome Addiction Through High-Class Detox

7th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

I was totally unaware that I was gradually killing myself. By the time my family members sought help for me, I really believe that I no longer cared. Looking back, it was such a scary ordeal. High-Class Detox

But the purpose of this letter is not to dwell on the negative. Instead, I want to express my gratitude to the staff of Pur Detox for being there for me when I was about to give up on myself and they didn’t.

If by chance you’re reading this, let me ask you, are you struggling with your own addiction? Maybe you know a friend or a family member whose life is all messed up. The signs are there and you know it. You can read the symptoms. It is up to you to reach out and help your loved one and provide what he or she needs the most. If no one had taken steps to get me out of my addictions, I would not be here to write this letter today.

Words can not express my undying gratitude for the time that I spent with the professionals at Pür Detox. One nurse even commented that I looked as though I had undergone chemotherapy because the alcohol and drugs had taken its toll on my body. I was hopeless, desperate and could not even think about if there was a way for me to overcome my addiction. My family interceded just in time.

My wife was almost ready to leave me, our two children lived in fear of me, and the alcohol had become the only thing that I could count on to make me feel better. My wife and my sister investigated rehab centers within a 100-mile radius of our home. I found out later how frustrating it was for the two of them because so many detoxification programs make grand claims on their web sites, but then fail to deliver. Or their credentials are rigged. My wife and sister did their homework, found referrals and references to vouch for the authenticity of Pür Detox, and they were impressed with the beautiful facility, the staff, the level of care, and the medical supervision for the rapid detox program.

Our first step was to talk with Pur Detox on the phone which I did. At no time did I ever feel that my counselor was judging me or scolding me. I could sense that he really cared for my well-being.

The rest of the staff were fabulous, as well. The complete recovery of each patient is their primary goal.

Many of the patients were regular people like me – folks with families who have gone astray. Many people in my counseling sessions were executives; there were celebrities too which I wouldn’t say whether they were patients like myself or visiting their loved ones.

Every day, I thank heaven that my family found the courage to step in and find the help that I needed. And I am so thankful of Pur Detox because they have helped many people regain their life back. For those who are still struggling out there, I highly recommend Pur Detox to help them resolve their own addictions. Rapid Drug Detoxification

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