The Diverse Choices Of Anti Anxiety Medication

27th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

An intense panic attack is usually followed by the administration of anti anxiety medicaltion to prevent other similar episodes. However, tranquilizers represent just a temporary relief method that can only be used in perfect safety for a very short period of time, due to the high risk of side effects. Here are some of the paradoxical and troublesome adverse reactions related with the administration of anti-anxiety medication in general. While the main benefit from their use consists of the relaxation of the nerves, too much soothing can make the patient feel sleepy even when you need alertness.

Slow reflexes, poor coordination and fatigue are the anti-anxiety medication side effects resulting from the drugs blocking some specific chemical secretion in the brain. Some people also complain about dizziness, confusion, disorientation and impaired thinking, not to mention the impossibility to drive or operate machines. The long-term use of anti-anxiety medication can also cause depression in very severe forms that push one on the verge of suicide. The problem is that such drugs not only eliminate anxiety but also make it impossible for one to feel pleasure or even pain, which can often go hand in hand with depression.

Some reactions to anti-anxiety medication are truly paradoxical. For instance, the use of tranquilizers aims at inducing relaxation and calm, but an increase of the irritability and agitation level has sometimes been signaled out. Plus, rage, hostility and mania have been noticed in some cases. Although very rare and equally dangerous, aggressive behaviors and hallucinations are also possible as a result of anti-anxiety medication use. The majority of paradoxical reactions to anti-anxiety drugs are usually encountered with the elderly and children, as well as with patients with developmental disabilities.

Consequently, choosing the treatment to stop anxiety attacks well and complementing it with some other form of therapy represent essential stages for the patient’s full recovery, and thus should be considered as priorities for any treatment program or approach. Anti-anxiety medication only reduces or stops the symptoms without bringing an improvement to the health condition in any way. The factor or the problem responsible for the panic attacks is still there, somehow kept under control, and once you cease taking the medication, you’re likely to experience anxiety all over again. Therefore, the therapeutic efforts should be directed towards attacking anxiety and depression by identifying and eliminating the cause and not merely treating the unpleasant symptoms of anxiety.

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