Managing Panic Attacks With Natural Therapies

22nd February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Considered an alternative method for Managing Panic Attacks, Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT for short has helped people all over the world overcome anxiety disorders naturally. Acupuncture, hypnotherapy and aromatherapy are considered unconventional or alternative Cures For Panic Attacks.

EFT is simply a Meridian Energy Therapy, similarly to acupuncture or acupressure. Commonly used in the practice of Chinese medicine, acupuncture uses long needles which are inserted lightly at precise points on the body to unblock disrupted energy flow in the meridian system.

Similarly, EFT is able to stimulate flow of chi by accessing major meridian points on the body. Because EFT works directly on meridian points on the body, a person can often experience immediate positive effects physically and emotionally. The use of needles is not required, but instead you stimulate the major meridian points on your body by rhythmically tapping on them with your fingertips.

What we feel emotionally affects us physically and what we feel physically affects us mentally. When we experience stress or negative emotions, it is a disruption or blockage in our energy system. Harmful build up of chemicals such as adrenaline and stress hormones then lead onto anxiety and Panic Symptoms.

When you tap a sequence of meridian points on your body it rebalances energy flow, the body and mind calms down, adrenaline levels reduce and negative emotions subside. Unlike other meridian therapies, EFT uses a combination of positive statements throughout the tapping sequence. Since EFT deals with underlying cause; both the emotional pain and the energy system simultaneously, anxiety which can often feed itself, can be stopped in it’s tracks.

EFT has been used all over the world successfully time and time again. EFT isn’t just effective at emotional issues and managing panic attacks. It’s also effective at dealing with physical pain. Knowing a little about the meridian energy system is useful but it’s not essential since EFT is very easy to apply. You can find lots of free information out there on the Internet showing you tapping sequence in detail.

EFT merges two sciences and although the tapping is an essential part, it is only effective when the problem is addressed properly. Write down the physical or emotional issue you want to fix so that you begin the technique with a clear outome. It is important to use self accepting and positive language when using affirmations. For a person to grown and love others they must first learn to love themselves.

The brilliance of EFT is that it can be used anywhere and its quick which makes managing panic attacks much easier. You will find that by using the technique to manage negative emotions and symptoms that your stress and anxiety will dramatically reduce. Feel free to adapt the affirmations to your needs. If you feel embarrassed tapping in public, try massaging the meridian points with your finger tips or doing it in private.

There are those who have experienced instant results with EFT where other methods have failed, but it’s keep on practicing EFT and not simply use it in times when you really need it. You have to remember that emotional issues can run deep, which means that EFT can sometimes take more than a few times to work. Don’t be afraid to use the technique for other physical and emotional problems. Through consistent practice the body’s natural energy system will continue to get better.

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Posted on: February 22, 2010

Filed under: Obesity

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