Try These Things To Help With Loss Of Bladder

22nd February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Loss of bladder control is a condition that results to urinary incontinence or leaking of urine involuntarily. People who experience loss of bladder control may frequently have a hard time at night sleeping because of numerous trips to the restroom.. Loss of bladder control may also disturb their social life because these individuals tend to grow to be less comfortable in social situations and would often abandon society because of they feel shameful of their condition.

If you find yourself one of those persons who are experiencing loss of bladder control you can overcome it. Frequently, loss of bladder control is repeatedly triggered by several things that may be eliminated in your daily life. The remedy for loss of loss of bladder control often necessitates lifestyle transformations. Here are a couple simple tips to treat bladder spasms.

Stay away from drinking coffee, carbonated beverages, and alcoholic beverages. Coffee drinkers who experience urinary incontinence ought to stop drinking coffee since it will increase the occurrence of the condition. As much as you can, stay away from drinking coffee because it can actually make you urinate more frequently. It can also cause contraction of bladder muscles, which will lead to over activity of the bladder. On the other hand, carbonated drinks and alcoholic beverages may also cause the same effects.

If the loss of bladder control occurs in the evening, you should void before going to sleep. By doing this, you can circumvent the problem while you are sleeping. This way, you should get a better night of sleep.

Never decrease your water intake. Some people believe that if they decrease their water intake, they’d be able to prevent loss of bladder control or involuntary leaking of urine. However, this is not true because water is very important and decreasing consumption of it can lead to serious conditions such as dehydration. If you don’t want to be dehydrated, then you should not decrease your water intake. Drink a minimum of eight glasses of water per day to keep your body healthy.

Kegel exercises can also help treat loss of bladder control. As a result, you will be able to tone and strengthen your muscles on the pelvic floor. Pelvic floor muscles are responsible for managing urination. Having weak pelvic floor muscles may be caused by obesity or childbirth. Hence, it is vital to rehabilitate these muscles so it is possible to avert urine leakage.

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