An Overview of Treatment Methods for Psoriasis

15th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Fortunately, you will find much more options than ever before when it comes to treatment of psoriasis. While everyone’s system works differently, you will find a number of choices you can take advantage of if you suffer from this pores and skin situation. Here are several things you can try at house, as well as a couple of options that should be supervised by your physician.

One from the greatest things you can do for treatment of psoriasis is to maintain your pores and skin clean and moisturized. Psoriasis can worsen if your pores and skin is dry, since this will make you itch much more and make your pores and skin much more prone to infection. Creams and lotions that contain vitamin E, which is a natural pores and skin conditioner, might help. You may also wish to select creams that contain aloe vera, which helps to soften the pores and skin and prevent infection. Should you experience itching and redness after a bath of shower, try taking an oatmeal bath, or utilizing just a little jojoba oil in your bathwater to soothe your pores and skin. Other topical psoriasis products include creams with salicylic acid, since it helps to reduce scales. You can find creams with this ingredient at your local grocery or health food store. Coal tar (which you can find in soap and shampoo form) can also help to take away the swelling and help to maintain the sores from itching. If these topical creams are not quite doing the job, you may wish to ask your doctor about prescriptions like Tazorac and Dovonex, which are derivatives of vitamins A and D3, and could be used on the scalp and nails, as well as the face.

Taking particular supplements internally might also help when it comes to treatment of psoriasis. Evening primrose oil, taken both internally and topically, can prevent the pores and skin from peeling, and fish oil can help to improve the immune system, which is one from the main causes of psoriasis–the oil can even help to manage food allergies over time. Prescription shampoos and body washes will also help with your treatment of psoriasis, and might be much more effective when you combine your regimen with your house remedies. Nevertheless, you should talk to your doctor before trying this out.

For severe treatment of psoriasis, ultraviolet light might be applied to the pores and skin, but this is generally only after you’ve tried house remedies and several prescription medications. Systemic medication, which could be taken by mouth, infusion, or injection can also be given by your doctor if you’ve developed disabling psoriasis, which is frequently a type of arthritis.

The type of psoriasis you have will determine which combinations of treatments you require, so you may wish to maintain a journal so that you can tell your doctor about which factors you think might contribute to your situation. For much more excellent info on treatment and possible natural options, visit

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Posted on: February 15, 2010

Filed under: Obesity

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