Controlling Panic Attacks Using Visualizations And Positive Affirmations

14th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

One of the simplest methods in Controlling Panic Attacks is through deep and relaxed breathing. By making slight adjustments to your composure, it can influence your wellbeing and emotions. The concentration of stress hormones and adrenaline increases as a person has an panic attack. It’s these chemicals in the body that can create distressing symptoms.

A common physical symptom a person might experience during an attack is a shortness in breath. Maintaining breath control can be beneficial in a number of ways. It helps calm you and make a mental note to stop and focus on your breathing. Coupled with visualizations and affirmations it can work as an excellent distraction.

A fairly common physical symptom of panic is hyperventilation. Hyperventilation causes an imbalance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the brain causing confusion and alarm. Like a domino effect, it sets off a chain reaction of panic, fear and anxiety. Controlling the breath can help in Stopping Panic Attacks. Deep breathing can stop symptoms from getting worse and uncontrollable.

The moment that you suspect a panic attack is about to happen begin to inhale and exhale steadily, taking in deep breaths. Visualize air pouring into the lungs to their fullest capacity and then slowly exhale. Do this as many times as it takes for you to feel normal again. Using a paper bag can help slow down the rate of your breath. As you exhale, it’s a good idea to release any tense areas on the body to help you physically relax. You may also like to envision a place of beauty, such as a beach or lake view during this process.

It’s healthy to take some time out of your daily routine to change your mental and physical state. What you feel physically transcends emotionally, so if you feel physically distressed you will be mentally so. People usually ignore symptoms of anxiety and stress until they become a real problem. Face tension, headaches, shoulder and neck pain; these are all easily remedied by simply taking a few moments to breathe and relax.

Listen to the body’s telltale signs of stress, whether they are happening inside or out. It’s a good idea to take short routine breaks from what you’re doing, even if it’s just to get some water. Get into the habit of taking in deep breaths and loosening up the body when you feel tense. Furthermore, be watchful of what goes on in your head. If you have negative thoughts going round your head all day then it’s going to affect your mood and behavior.

Work on keeping an optimistic and upbeat attitude throughout the day no matter what happens. Daily life can be an uphill struggle sometimes, but don’t let things like work and work relationships get in the way of relaxation, when at home. When there is a lot of background unhappiness or anxiety in your day, it can carry through onto the rest of the day and night. Anxious and worrying thoughts at night time can affect sleep and cause insomnia.

Panic attacks are more likely to happen when a person is awake, however Sleep panic attacks are not uncommon. To reduce the chances of a night time attack, follow good sleep habits and a healthy daily routine. A number of activities are excellent for burning up harmful chemicals in the body, for example, yoga, meditation and physical exercise. Furthermore, you’ll find that activities that produce endorphins such as sex and laughter help to promote good feelings and thoughts.

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