Stop the Fear of You Thinking You Are Going Crazy Using Panic Away

12th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Dealing with the loss of someone close to us can be very difficult for anyone to handle. It was devastating when my girlfriend’s mother died. She started to realize how much she was forgetting things shortly after her mom’s passing. Being a perfectionist, super organized and always on the ball forgetting things really started to make her feel uneasy. If she misplaced her keys or forgot an appointment it would drive her into an anxiety attack. However, she immediately thought that this forgetfulness must be from some sort of undiagnosed disease and then those thoughts would attack her… what if it’s cancer or a brain tumor? What if I die? Why can’t I get this Panic away from me?

The longer it went on the more she felt scatter-brained, unsure of herself and unable to concentrate on much. All of these obsessive, irrational thoughts would send her into an anxiety or panic attack and spiralling out of control. Trying to find which disease she had she would be on the internet for hours. She was certain she was going crazy. Fearing they would all think she’s crazy too, she didn’t even talk to any of her family or friends. She was scared.

Grieving is a process and it takes time, death is a huge tragedy. It’s not uncommon to feel forgetful, overwhelmed or scatter-brained. She became obsessed with running to the doctor every time she’d forget something because her mind couldn’t think logically at the time and her obsessive thoughts seemed completely normal. She would request all sorts of tests but when the doctor diagnosed her with General Anxiety Disorder it was bittersweet, she felt a sense of relief, finally, but also didn`t know how to handle her anxiety or how to make it better.

After seeing her mother die, it’s no surprise that at the root of her anxiety was the fear of dying. Most reasons of panic and anxiety come from being fearful of something. If you suffer from anxiety or panic have you asked yourself what you`re afraid of? She would wake up at night trembling because her irrational thoughts would consume her.

Thankfully, she knows now that those thoughts although unbearable were imagined and since trying Panic Away has kicked those thoughts to the curb! Panic Away stops the fear of you thinking you’re going crazy. Learning how to take control back Panic Away has improved her confidence and her memory.

Please know that feeling nervous or afraid that you might be insane is not uncommon when experiencing anxiety but the truth is that you don`t have to suffer from another anxiety or panic attack again. No matter how long you’ve been suffering with anxiety, Panic Away`s One Move Technique (21-7 Technique) will bring you back to your normal self!

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