Applying A Healthy Lifestyle Habit

12th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

What we think and feel has a direct impact on our current and future health and life. Poor sleep can arise from day to day stressful experiences such as; having to deal with a difficult client, paying bills and having a heavy workload. Stress can cause tension and restlessness and coupled with thoughts of worry, make it difficult for sleep to come at night.

Most of us have experienced a night of sleeplessness when we just can’t seem to switch our brains off. If you try not to think of a pink elephant, you’ll probably think of one. Attempt to stop a catchy song from going round and round inside your head and you’ll have no luck. When you start to will yourself to sleep then you’ve got a potential sleep problem developing. Fact is, sleep isn’t supposed to be forced; it’s a natural process which just happens.

As we get older our lives become more complicated and stressful. We have never been trained on how to cope with stress, so it’s no surprise that we feel helpless when something traumatic or stressful comes our way. Surprisingly, daily stress is enough to affect mood, sleep and physical health, since stress hormones and adrenaline can gradually increase inside of us.

A bad day can start from the moment the alarm goes off; maybe you oversleep and you have to rush to get ready, you miss the bus for work, you receive a complaint from an irate customer and the day continues to go that way. Relieving stress is one way in How to beat insomnia and it can be done in a number of ways.

Stress can be damaging to mental and physical health so it’s important to find release. Sitting down and watching television sounds like it should be relaxing but watching some programs can be stress inducing and affect sleep. Sleep becomes restless and your feel unrested in the morning. Fortunately there are simple steps to help improve this.

A balanced, healthy lifestyle is important and sleep is part of the body’s natural cycle. But, the sleep process doesn’t just begin at bedtime. For sleep to come naturally we need to be in a relaxed state and not one of stress and tension. Otherwise we find ourselves feeling physically and mentally charged at bedtime.

Exercise and relaxation exercises can help reduce stress but it’s also important for us to actively reduce stress as and when it arises. Learning to count to ten and breathe is an easy way to help us pause and let our body calm down in stressful situations. Techniques such as EFT and NLP are also effective at dealing with stress quickly.

Poor sleep habits, and we are all guilty of it, such as sleeping late or sleeping excessively can disrupt your body’s circadian rhythm. This prevents you from getting to sleep when you want to. Paying attention and rectifying sleep habits is an easy means in How to beat insomnia.

Avoid eating big meals late in the evening and avoid stimulants such as caffeine and alcohol which can disturb sleep. An illuminated or noisy clock as well as other disturbances may interrupt sleep. It’s important that your bedroom is made into a calm and restful place to promote sleep.

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Posted on: February 12, 2010

Filed under: Obesity

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