Body Cleansing: Fresh Start For A Healthier You

7th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Obesity is a widespread problem in the United States and throughout the world. If you are looking for a way to do a body cleansing, it is far better than purchasing body cleanses that are nothing more than an overpriced laxative and a diet. You can get the same result by using the concepts of the natural diet and avoiding the harsh laxatives. Laxatives can actually be hard on your intestines. Use the natural method instead.

A natural cleansing process doesn’t use anything artificial in the diet. It typically doesn’t require more than a small dietary change to bring about significant changes in your body weight. A few simple rules apply while using natural cleaning methods. A natural cleanse is much easier on your body and can be maintained as long as necessary to accomplish your weight loss goals. Laxatives should not be taken for extended periods for health reasons.

Begin your body clean process by increasing your intake of water. You should only use pure water. Colas, flavored waters and juices don’t count toward your daily quota of water. You should plan on drinking at least six to eight bottles of water each day. Avoid any artificial ingredients in the water or in the foods that you eat while in the period of the body cleanse.

The natural cleanse breakfast is fresh raw fruit. Nothing else should be eaten. Fruit contains critical nutritional elements plus water. It also contains fiber so that toxins are pushed on through the digestive tract. Fruit must be fresh and raw and without any sweeteners or preservatives included. Neither natural nor artificial sweeteners should be used. If you select dense fruit rather than soft fruits the effectiveness of the cleansing will be stronger.

Lunch, dinner and snacks should also consist of fresh fruits, but you can also add fresh raw vegetables. Don’t allow any preservatives, or other seasonings to be included in the diet for the cleansing period. The release of toxins from the body and intestinal tract can still be sidetracked if you are taking in more of the same in your daily diet.

The intake of toxins and preservatives is forbidden during the cleansing process. You should also avoid any oil, dressings or salt. These items will eliminate any positive effects from the body cleanse. Stick with fruits and vegetables as near to the natural state as possible.

During the time that you are using natural cleansing, the weight loss is likely to be significant. Initial weight loss is water weight. When you drink extra water, you keep dehydration at bay. The fiber in the fruits and vegetables also help to keep the digestive processes moving. Water weight loss is usually significant and may be sudden.

The body cleansing takes a week. Following a week of natural body cleanse, you can begin bringing other foods back into the diet. Start with high fiber carbohydrates and low fat proteins. If you maintain the eating habits initiated during the cleansing diet, your will maintain your weight management program.

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