A Natural Cure For Panic Attacks

28th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Learning How To Stop A Panic Attack is all about being prepared and being aware of the first signs of attack. Often a panic attack starts because of fear or embarrassment. Panic disorder is slightly different in that people suffer attacks that come out of the blue. So what causes these attacks and how can we deal with them?

Attacks have been linked mostly to anxiety disorders which is the umbrella term for specific disorders like agoraphobia and social anxiety. A large number of people have some degree of social phobia which often starts in childhood but lasts into adulthood. Fear of being embarrassed in social settings, being ridiculed in public, being criticized frequently; these can all attribute to this disorder.

Public humiliation, rejection, ridicule and criticism can shape a young child’s mind to grow up fearing standing out and being in front of others. Children that are affected with social anxiety don’t simply grow out of it when they reach adulthood. Sufferers may not even recognize their condition and fail to seek Anxiety help.

Social anxiety is the last of the anxiety disorders to be discovered, and people with this disorder were previously thought to be simply shy. People who are shy may feel a little embarrassed and anxious in social situations but those with social anxiety have such extreme fears that they cannot go through such situations.

A student might miss their first day at college so that they don’t have to introduce themselves; going on a date the young women expresses extreme shyness and seems even to avoid speaking; a sales worker calls in sick on the day of a meeting; An office colleague seems to drink too much at every party even though they don’t appear the type at work; a mother avoids getting out of her car when picking up her children;

Sufferers can feel incapacitated and unable to do things that most people take for granted without experiencing intense fear and panic. Preventative action is a simple way in how to stop a panic attack. If you have a head the next meeting for example, make sure you know everything inside out. Once you know what you’re going to say, you need to start preparing.

Get yourself in a relaxed mood, think of happy memories and breathe deeply. Play over the presentation word for word and visualize everything going well. Everybody gets butterflies but it’s how you interpret these sensations that makes the difference. Be rational and realize that if you know your content and you deliver it, then that’s all you need to do.

Think of a person who you aspire to be or who’s confident. Even if you feel your heart racing and your throat choke up don’t worry. Take time to breathe and relax yourself and realize that you can get through it.

It’s natural for the fight or flight response to start in situations of fear, but you can choose to direct this energy into making your presentation exciting instead. Not focusing on the physical sensations is one way in how to stop a panic attack because you’re not treating it as a panic attack anymore.

In time you can associate the feelings differently and recondition the mind to accept these feelings as positive ones. Your behavior and habits can change dramatically once you put a different perspective on situations. You can have access to a simple yet advanced method here, at the cure for panic attacks site.

Quick Tips For Social Anxiety from Nathan Tyler on Vimeo.

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