Your Guide To HPV Warts

15th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

What many people don’t realise is Hpv Warts is a sexually transmitted infection caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). You many known this condition as genital warts. HPV Warts is one of the most difficult STD’s to treat as it can have a dormancy period where the infection lies in your body without any symptoms. This means that it can spread really easily as the person might not even know they have the condition. Both infections have periods when they lie dormant and periods of flare ups. Therefore it is important to make sure to practice safe sex at all times by using a condom. If you have unprotected sex you have a 70% of passing the infection onto your partner. HPV Warts can be transferred through skin to skin contact, if the warts are small the person might not even realise they are infected. A word of caution, wearing condom does not always guarantee that you will not be infected as genital warts can occur in areas not covered by a condom. Quite often a female will not even know they have the warts and it is only when they are checked by a doctor or have a pap smear test that they find out. It is really important for women who are sexually active to get regular check ups. If left untreated chronic HPV Warts could lead to serious conditions such as cervical cancer or pelvic inflammatory diseases. Being aware of the symptoms of the disease gives you the heads up, not only for yourself but also to be able to diagnose if your partner is infected. It just proves again how important it is for sexually active people to get regular check ups. Hpv Warts often present themselves as small raised areas, they feel soft but do not burst, they may itch or burn, but can also be painless. Some people look on the internet for pictures of warts to help them to see if that is what they have. Generally the warts will be pink or fleshy colour and some people say the shape looks quite like a cauliflower. Some warts might go away without treatment, but more often then not they require treatment to get rid of them.
There are various treatments available either speak to your doctor who might choose various treatments including to burn them off. Another option is to order a reputable treatment that you can use in the comfort of your own home. It is completely up to you how you choose to treat your warts and just remember that there are lots of options out there.

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