Causes and Treatments of The Tension Headache

13th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Does your head constantly ache? Have your headaches impeded your work and also resulted in concentration problems? You are probably suffering from tension headaches. Tension headaches are generally quite troublesome. Most people who suffer from tension headaches tend to ignore it at the beginning. A clear understanding of tension headache symptoms is required to treat it.

Often tension headaches are not accompanied by throbbing pain, as you find in migraine headache symptoms. The pain isnevertheless intense and can last quite a period of time. It is said to be the most common class of headaches.

The occurense of tension headaches symptoms could range between half an hour upto even 1 week and is directly related to stress It is imprtant for you to identify the elements leading to these tension headache symptoms,if you are to successfully reduce the severity of these headaches. One of the main causes of migraine headaches as well as tension headaches is stress, be it physical and emotional. The best way to combat stress would be to get yourself more sleep at night. You would also want to take some rest during the day and not overexert yourself whether it is at work or in school.

Bringing about a change in your lifestyle could lead to a reduction in the frequency of tension headache symptoms. Poor posture could also lead to tension headache symptoms causing aches and pain in the back and neck, which in turn result in intense headaches. Often these symptoms are accompanied by feelings of tightness around the shoulder and neck, in addition to the pain. Loss of appetite is another common symptom.

Tension headaches could also turn into chronic tension headaches if not treated soon. often the occurrences of your headaches are~Whether your tension headaches has turned into one that is chronic can be learned by looking at the frequency of your headaches}. Usually, it would be considered chronic, if your headache occurs for around 2 weeks each month for a few months.

treated] by taking pain relievers such as ibuprofen or aspirin, which do not require a prescription. If the headache increases in severity however, you should see your doctor who would then prescribe a drug that would work for
you, given your condition.

Acupuncture is another commonly used method of treatment to deal with tension headache symptoms. The theory behind this is that relief and healing takes place when thin needles are inserted into the skin at certain points.

You may also want to try [various. The ideal exercises are yoga and meditation which are acknowledged to provide serenity. Water aerobics is also known to provide the same sensation.

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