Do Anxiety and Panic Attack Self-Help Programs Work?

8th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Knowledgeable marketing marketers flood the net with self-help eBooks with extremely self-assured claims. They claim to treat anxiety and panic attack and panic attacks in some weeks with truly extraordinary success rates.

Anxiety and panic attack sufferers purchase these self-help books since they provide some advantages. When a sufferer does not know how to help him or herself, they can be a great source of info. Those eBooks are in addition helpful, when no competent doctors are available. And some anxiety and panic attack sufferers have a preference to deal with their anxiety themselves with these self-help programs as they are embarrassed to consult a counsellor.

There are two programs that clearly stand out head and shoulders above all these miracle cures offered on the net: The Linden Method and Panic Away. The two programs have been widely praised for their efficiency in successfully curing panic attacks and anxiety.

Let us compare both programs.

Panic Away teaches how to break the cycle of panic attacks, to reduce your anxiety level back to nought with the “One Move Technique and how to use it in various scenarios like when you are taking a plane, a train or driving a car.

The Linden method claims that anxiety is caused by a malfunctioning of the Amygdala. The most important responsibility of this organ, in the brain, is to process and memorise emotional responses such as the anxiety reaction or ‘flight or fight’. The Linden method retrains the Amygdala to prevent future panic attack or anxiety symptoms.

You can, as a result, utilize the Linden Method to treat a larger range of anxiety disorders than Panic Away.

Besides the differences in method and scope, there is as well a difference in support.

Joe Barry, the creator of Panic Away, offers a limitless one-to-one coaching via email.

The Linden Method provides 12 months unlimited email and phone consultation 24-7. Your queries will be answered by a competent and knowledgeable support team.

In a nutshell, Panic Away learns you the “One Move technique” to calm down your panic attack symptoms. The “Linden Method” is a more thorough program. You learn to retrain your Amygdala and can as a result, be used to treat a broader range of anxiety related disorders. The method works through continual practice and over time. It is a gradual process.

Both online anxiety and panic attack self-help programs have been around for several years and lasted the critics of many antagonists in forums, Panic Away and Linden method reviews. However, these self-help programs are only valuable if you are ready to use the methods they teach, reading one of the books only will not get you any results.

Further to the Panic Away and Linden method reviews you can find more natural anxiety treatment programs at

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